Jain Agama, the infinite treasure of pristine knowledge was explored by convening a council under the erudite guidance of Acharya Tulsi. An arduous venture of exploring the gem of Jain Agam; unraveled the academic world of research, translation and annotation in oriental studies. This foundational step turned into an edifice as UGC recognized Jain Vishva Bharati University, as a deemed University in 1991.
Resistance never stopped him, nor did he walk alone. To carry the crowd with him was his prodigy. Acharya Tulsi travelled 1 lakh kms from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, embarking un-trodden places sowing the seed of Jain values. At the dawn of
his life, Acharya Tulsi's detachment soared new heights. Gurudev Tulsi renounced his Acharya ship enthroning Mahaprajna as the successive Acharya. Coronation of the successor by his own Guru, was a splendorous unique history making sight.
Gurudev Tulsi's endeavor crossed the boundaries of self and paved the way for enlightening, empowering and enriching the other, the other being humans, society, nation, culture and everything. Every Spiritual effort of Tulsi was his engaged spirituality modeling society for a brighter future. The work and contribution to society, religion, literature, art and philosophy made him immortal.
His life, a lamp to light lamps.
His life, a living message His life, an edifice of better future Let us enlighten our selves
Let us live him, to revere him As he says,
"Seek not my physical autograph but let the message shine in your life as an
eternal signature."
Jainism: The Global Impact