M1037: Gujarati parents invite proposals M1045: Gujarati parents invite responses with biodata / photo for handsome fair - photo / bio-data for their very vegetarian non-smoker non-drinker US compassionate vegetarian non-smoking US born son, June 78, 6'4", MD, 1" year citizen son, born Dec 78, 5'5", PharmD, resident (orthopedic surgery) from US well positioned as Pharmacist, from raised professional pretty girls.Call: 480/ educated cultured girls. Call:847/414. 732-4743. Email: r11623@email.mot.com 2890. Email: rushabh93@yahoo.com
AM409: Oswal Shvetambar Jain parents invite matrimonial proposals from families in USA or India for their very handsome Physician son, born April 69, 5'7". A very brief marriage annulled. Email: jainfamily27@yahoo.com
M1038: Alliance invited for handsome M1048:Alliance invited by Gujarati parents M1051: Gujarati parents invite proposals talented vegetarian US born Gujarati boy, for their handsome talented amiable for their handsome talented successful born Oct 76,5'7", 140 lb, BS (comp engg), vegetarian US born son, Oct 78,5'10", 150 vegetarian US born son, March 75, 5'9", well employed as sr. associate of Tech., from lb, BS (MSIS: management science inf. BS, pursuing MBA, well employed, from cultured educated girls. Call: 973/584- systems), well employed, from parents of cultured educated girls. Call: 610/5584640. Email: matri_mis@yahoo.com pretty educated girls. Call: 215/497-5088. 0666. Email: kgandhi5@comcast.net
Email: kishoremodi@comcast.net M1039: Jain, divorced shortly after
AM415: Alliance invited for handsome arranged marriage, college degree, excellent M1050: Alliance invited for handsome brilliant vegetarian Physician Gujarati boy, Govt. job, house, fair, born Aug 70, 5'5", talented vegetarian convent educated born April 81, 5'9", 145 lb, MBBS, 135 lb, US citizen, caste no bar. Call: 630/ Physician Gujarati boy, born Sept 77, 5'8", appearing USMLE I & II soon, from 922-6499.
MBBS (Poon Uni), appearing USMLE step cultured educated girls. Currently he is in
I & II very soon, currently in India, from India & willing to settle in USA. Ph: 570/ M1040: Parents invite proposals - photo / cultured educated girls. Call: 516/682- 288-5056. Email: drjsheth@hotmail.com bio-data for handsome talented cultured 8301. Email: drnilesh 26@yahoo.com vegetarian US born son, Sept 75,57", 147
M1052: Gujarati parents invite responses Ib, BS (Cornell), MBA (U of Chicago), IT/ AM374: Gujarati parents invite proposals for their handsome accomplished talented Business Professional, from beautiful from family oriented girls, for handsome vegetarian son, born Oct 75, 5'8", 140 lb, educated cultured vegetarian girls. Email: vegetarian never married citizen son, born MBA, MD, very well employed, from spalvia@liu.edu. Ph: 516/931-2284. Dec 69, 5'4", active in own business (slight cultured educated professional vegetarian
speech problem). Call: 714/838-7625 or girls. Call: 603/891-4176. M1041: Alliance invited for handsome 510/744-9794. shahfamily1@hotmail.com brilliant vegetarian US citizen Gujarati boy,
M1053: Proposals invited for handsome born Feb 77, 5'9", 145 lb, BS (comp sc), AM406: Gujarati family invite responses intelligent vegetarian Gujarati boy, born pursuing MBA, well employed as software with photo/biodata for handsome brilliant Aug 79, 5'10", MS (Comp Sc), from engineer, from cultured educated girls. Call: vegetarian son, born Oct 75, 5'7", BBA, cultured educated girls. Call: 551/587. 972/424-6667. viralrvora@rediffmail.com IT professional, well employed as interactive 8190.Email: shahchintans@hotmail.com
system engr., from cultured vegetarian girls. M1042: Proposals invited for handsome Call: 718/478-2146. email: kiran_mehta_9
AM416: Alliance invited for handsome talented friendly vegetarian Gujarati boy @hotmail.com
vegetarian Gujarati male, Divorcee, born, born June 80, 5'8", 155 lb, BE (comp sc),
May 53, 5'9", 155 lb, Associate degree: well employed as software developer in a AM408: Gujarati family invite proposals for Accounting, independently settled in reputed co, from pretty cultured educated their smart vegetarian athletic son, born Jan Maryland with career in Finance, from girls. Call: 219/465-5157. Email: 75, 5'11", MD, practicing in Chicago cultured vegetarian match with strong anandinboston@yahoo.com
Metro area, from cultured well educated family values. Call: 301/838-9778. vegetarian never married Gujarati girls. Email: usmd 2002@yahoo.com Ph: 219/ 477-2568.
40 / JAIN DIGEST. Spring 20004
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
For Private & Personal Use Only