F655: Jain parents invite proposals for M976: Alliance invited for handsome, AM358: Gujarati parents invite proposals pretty, charming, slim, accomplished, successful, intelligent, vegetarian boy, born for handsome, brilliant, vegetarian, US born vegetarian US born daughter, Jan 73, 5'2", Oct 75, 5'10", 159 lb, BS (Chem. Engg), son, April 75, 5'6", 150 lb, MD, 3rd year
of MS (Comp Sc), from cultured, educated, resident: internal medicine. Starting repute, from cultured, well educated vegetarian girls. Call: 510/623-9696. Email: cardiology fellowship this summer (Brown professional boys. Call: 916/488-2601. rajeshkoradia@hotmail.com
Uni), interested in music, Indian culture,
from caring, well-educated Jain girls. Call: F951: Jain parents invite proposals for M980: Proposals invited for handsome, attractive, intelligent, outgoing, US citizen talented, successful, vegetarian Gujarati boy,
com daughter, born Jan 76,5'1", well employed born Nov 73, 5'9", 150 lb, CA, well as Regd. Nurse, from well educated, positioned as Sr. Accountant, from cultured, AM364: Jain parents invite proposals with professional, cultured boys. Email: educated, vegetarian girls. Call: 646/641- photo / biodata for handsome, fair, dshah4567@msn.com 2727. Email: jagruts@hotmail.com intelligent, successful son, June 72. 5'5",
140 lb, BS (Marketing/Economics), well M981: Gujarati family invite alliance for, MALE
employed as legal liaison with reputed US good looking, fair, athletic, highly successful
comp. Corp., from educated, fair, pretty, son, Feb 73, 5'8", MS (Econ) from London
cultured, Gujarati / Jain girls. Email: School, well positioned as VP with famous
paras627@hotmail.com M489: Gujarati parents invite responses for investment Bank, from beautiful, cultured, very handsome, fair, accomplished,
slim, professional girls. Call: 732-469-5325. AM374: Gujarati parents invite proposals vegetarian, US born son, March 71, 5'9", Email: viveknshah@hotmail.com
from caring, cultured, family oriented girls, 155 lb, MS Comp. Eng. (Cornell Uni)
for handsome, vegetarian, talented, green successful computer consultant, from pretty, M984: Gujarati parents invite proposals for card holder son, born Dec 69.5'4", owns a cultured, educated Jain girls. Call: 410/771- handsome, vegetarian, US born son, May business. Call: 510/744-9794. Email: 0251. Email: ketan mehta @ yahoo.com 72, 5'10", MD, doing fellowship in steial@attbi.com
Oncology & Hematology, from pretty, ujarati parents invite proposals cultured, vegetarian, educated girls. Email: AM385: Gujarati parents invite proposals from cultured, educated girls for handsome, jajorag@yahoo.com
with biodata / photo for handsome, fair, intelligent, vegetarian son, born July
intelligent, vegetarian US citizen son, born 76, 5'11", BS (Comp Sc), well employed M985: Alliance invited for good looking,
Sept 77, 5'9", 140 lbs, MD student at top with software co., Call: 804/272- amiable, vegetarian Gujarati male, born
amiable, vegetarian Gujarati male, born Ivy League Uni. starting residency July 03, 0323. Email: kamani@comcast.net Aug 62, 5'5", 135 lb, BS (pharmacy), well
from cultural educated, beautiful Slim employed as Regd. Pharmacist, divorcee
Girls. Call: 732/326-9108. Email:
Girls. M772: Jain parents (Intl. Business family)
with two kids, from suitable, caring, iaindigest03@yahoo.com invite alliance for swiss born / citizen,
citizen, compassionate match. Call: 713/780-7910. handsome, vegetarian, non-smoker, non
Email: hemantsheth62@yahoo.com M898: Gujarati parents seek alliance for drinker, talented son, March 74, 5'10",
handsome, talented, vegetarian, US raised CFA, MBA, well positioned with Citibank M988: Alliance invited for handsome,
son, born Aug 74, 5'8", 150 lb, MS (EE), corp. Fin., from educated, cultured girls. talented, vegetarian, Gujarati boy, born May
well employed, from cultured, professional, Call: 0041 / 22 - 8850355. Email: 75, 6'0", CA (charted accountant), well
preferably Pharmacist /R. Nurse girls, Call: sanghvigeneva@yahoo.com
employed, divorcee (Very brief marriage), 414/476-3137.Email: saumil@execpc.com
from, cultured, caring, educated girls. Call: M975: Gujarati parents invite responses for 516/746-6266.Email: kotharisiddharth@ M989: Alliance invited for handsome, handsome, talented, vegetarian, US born yahoo.com
talented, vegetarian, Gujarati boy, born Jan son, Aug 72, 5'8", 160, MBA, well
76, 5'8", 150 lb, BS (Pharmacy), Regd. employed with reputed co., from cultured,
Pharmacist, from cultured, educated girls. educated girls. Call: 734/434-9286 or 773/
Email: apurvad@hotmail.com Phone: 248/ 348-6872. Email: pparek@yahoo.com
28 / JAIN DIGEST. Spring 2003
Jain Education International 2010_03
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