F233: Alliance invited by Gujarati Jain F773: Alliance invited by Jain parents (Int. born daughter, Oct 74, 5'5", 110 lb, BS parents for beautiful, virtuous, vegetarian, business family) for swiss born / citizen, (Economics & Biology), well positioned US raised dur, born July 66, 5'5", BS beautiful, fair, charming, vegetarian, with reputed co., from cultured, well (Chemistry), very well employed, by well Physician daughter, Oct 76, 5'6", MBBS - educated, handsome, non-smoking, US educated professionals. Call: 919/776-9091 Geneva, working with Geneva Hospital, raised boys. Call: 931/528-6924. Email:
from well educated, professionally settled, vbp@charter.net F660: Proposals invited for pretty, handsome boys. Tel: 0041-22-8850355. intelligent, vegetarian, never married, Email: sanghvigeneva@yahoo.com
AF251: Alliance invited by Jain parents for Gujarati girl, born Jan 57, 5'0", BA, LLB,
beautiful, slim, attractive, successful, well employed, from cultured, educated, F978: Alliance invited for pretty, caring, virtuous, US born dur, March 76, 5'6", BS matching boys. Call: 248/932-6377. Email: talented, vegetarian girl, born Dec 75,5'2", (Chem.Engg), pursuing MS, very well rdomadia@hotmail.com
BS (Biology), MS (May 2003), divorcee positioned with multinational co., from
(issueless), from cultured, educated, suitable cultured, well educated, professional boys. F766: Physician parents, Hindi speaking match. Call: 636/273-6956. Email: ph: 810/750-0999 email: deelipkumar@ invite correspondence for very beautiful, snehs01@hotmail.com
aol.com fair, charming, vegetarian US born daughter, April 77, 5'9", MS (Finance), F979: Alliance invited for pretty, family AF382: Jain parents invite proposals with Please contact: 757/424-5290. Email: loving, vegetarian female, born Aug 45, photo / biodata for beautiful, fair, slim, cmgs1@hotmail.com
5'3", BA, house-wife, divorcee, from virtuous, vegetarian, US born daughter, Jan
amiable, good natured, cultured, suitable 77, 5'4", 115 lb, medical student (MD F908: Correspondence invited for Gujarati
match. Call: 585/872-9386. Email: 2004), from cultured, handsome, wellJain vegetarian, beautiful, fair, values both arunamaniar@yahoo.com
educated, professional Gujarati / Jain boys, cultures, talented, US born girl, July 77,
preferably MD. Email: paras627@ 5'8", BE (IE), pursuing MBA, well F982: Jain parents invite proposals for hotmail.com positioned with reputed co., from well beautiful, slim, vegetarian, US born educated, vegetarian, cultured boys. Email: daughter, July 79, 5'0", 82 lb, BS (Elec. / AF383: Pretty, caring, intelligent MD. US shah_amp@yahoo.com
Comp Engg), well employed with System/ born 1970, never married, 5'5", 115,
Network Admn. from cultured, educated, vegetarian. Responses invited from never F928: Gujarati parents invite alliance for
vegetarian boys. Call: 732/583-5356. married vegetarian Jain professionals in beautiful, fair, slim, vegetarian dtr, born ir, slim, vegetarian atr, born
Email: vkin Email: vkjnj@yahoo.com
North America. Contact parents: 973/956June 74, 5'4", 120 lb,B.Com,/Fin. &
7275. Email: music-lovingirl2003 Managerial accountings, well employed, F983: Gujarati parents invite responses for vahoo.com from cultured, educated, Gujarati Jain boys. attractive, slim, accomplished, vegetarian, Call: 386/788-6502.Email:csheth74@ US born daughter, Nov 75, 5'5", MD, 2nd AF384: Gujarati parents invite proposals hotmail.com
year resident: pediatrics, from well educated with biodata/photo for pretty, affectionate,
professionals. Contact: PO Box: 016369, vegetarian, US born dur, Oct 77, 5'4", F952: Gujarati parents invite proposals with
Miami, FL 33132.or Email: 82545@ currently pursuing PharmD, from well photo / biodata for pretty, charming, slim, bellsouth.net
educated professional US born boys. 312/ vegetarian, accomplished, US born
802-0067.Email: benu444 @yahoo.com daughter, Nov 72, 5'4", MD, MPH, doing F986: Jain parents invite proposals for residency, from cultured, vegetarian, non beautiful, fair, caring, vegetarian US born AF386: Brother in Canada invite responses smoker professional / MD boys.Call: 6171 daughter with modern outlook & strong from cultured, educated boys, for beautiful, 739-1319. Email: sjdoshi72@yahoo.com Indian values, Sept 79, 5'5", B Physical slim, talented, vegetarian sister, born Oct
Therapy, well employed, from cultured, 77, 5'4", 110 lb, BSc, pursuing MCA F977:Gujarati parents invite proposals with
educated, vegetarian boys. Call: 860/219- educated vegetarian bovs. Call: 860/219
(Master in comp application), applied for
(M bio-data / photo for pretty, slim, US born
Canadian Immigration, working as dtr, May 75, 5'3", 100 lb, B Pharm., well
programmer in India and willing to settle employed, from educated, professional, F987: Alliance invited by Jain parents for in US / Canada. Call: 416/431-2387. financially secured US raised boys. Email: beautiful, slim, talented, vegetarian, US Email: h shah_2001@yahoo.com manibpharm @aol.com
JAIN DIGEST. Spring 2003 / 27
Jain Education International 2010_03
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