gram of prayer dances, prayer songs, reli- 500
tive through international agreements and gious skits and dramas performed by chil- Surendra Shah, Regional Editor
through international law. dren. Other programs scheduled so far in
He concluded that Jainism with its cenclude Pravachan by Sunandaben Vohra and ATLANTA, GA
tral tener of non violence may appear irrel Nautambhai Vakil, Poojan by Narendrabhai
evant to contemporary world politics but Nandu, Das Lakshan Parva celebration,
could guide the way to peace in many con
Jain Society of Atlanta conducted elecNavsmaran and Ayambil programs.
flicts taking place around the world. tions in December 2002. The following were elected for the year 2003.
The 1" Northeast Regional Jain Youth ESSEX FELLS, NJ
Conference took place in Toronto, Canada Raju Shah President
from Saturday December 21-24, 2002 Chetan Gala Vice President
Sponsored by Jain Society of Toronto Twelve hours of continuous Navkar Anil Shah Secretary
(JSOT) and Young Jains of America, this Mantra JAP were held at our Derasar from Manish Shah Treasurer
event marked the first of its kind in the the evening on the last day of Vir Samvat Ketan Shah Youth Secretary
northeast. Complete details is available on 2528 to the morning of New Year Vir
Madhuben Sheth EC Member
YJA pages. Samvat 25259 to celebrate the 72 - hour
Sameer Shah EC Member
Dr. Balabhadraji, Vasant Sheth, Dr. Akhand Deshana (message) given by
Youth and adult pathshala, Swadhaya Anne Vallely, Dr. Vastupal Parikh, Paul Bhagwan Mahavir before his Nirvana.
and yoga classes are conducted every week. McKenna, Dr. Renu Lal, Dr. Luiza New Year was celebrated on Tuesday,
Also SAT and Gujarati classes are held. Ormonde, Kalpa Shah and others imparted November 5, 2002 starting with Manglik
The Mahavir Jayanti will be celebrated their learning and teachings to over 50 parin the morning followed by Snatra Pooja.
in April 2003. Pramodaji Chitrabhanu will ticipants through the unique, interactive Gyan Pancham, Dev Diwali/Kartaki grace the occasion.
and discussion-based sessions on Poonam, and Maun Ekadashi were cel
anekantavada and diversity. ebrated at Derasar. Pathshala students
Everyone walked away from the contalked about the importance of Gyan
ference with a complimentary copy of the Poojan in their lives and how its aaradhana CANADA
book Jainism and the New Spirituality by eliminates Gyanavarniya Karma. Monthly Dr. Mahendra Mehta, Regional Editor
Dr. Vastupal Parikh and a one-year comPoojas, Samuh Samayiks, and Shibirs are
plimentary subscription to Jain Spirit magagetting good response from the members.
zine in addition to t-shirts, flags, pathshala Pathshala classes are held at three locations TORONTO, ON:
CD's, pins, souvenir CD, friendships and with very good response from members.
memories for a lifetime. More than 200 children are coming to Pathshala classes. Regular Swadhayay classes
Acharya Sushil Kumarji Peace Award: are held on Friday evenings and they are The recipient of Inaugural Interna- VANCOUVER, BC given by our local Jain Scholars.
tional Acharya Sushil Kumarji Peace Award Special Thanksgiving Pooja tradition was Professor Polanyi who won the Nobel
Paryushan Parva and Das Lakshan was continued in the year 2002 with
Prize for Chemistry in 1986. The reception Celebrated on September 15, 2002 at Antaraykarma Nivaran Pooja at Derasar.
and awarding ceremony was held at Isabel Mahendra and Usha Mehta's house. We Many people participated.
Bader Theatre in Toronto on January 17, started with Puja, Stavan and Aarti. Ev
2003. A prayer was offered at the Derasar for
erybody said "Michhami Dukhdam" to the 7 Astronauts who lost their lives in crash
Professor Polanyi is a noted activist for each other. Nearly 60 people attended. of Columbia Space shuttle.
peace. In his acceptance speech, he said as Shri Manakmuniji Maharaj was in
long as much of humanity remains poor, Vancouver from October 12 to 15 ar Nemi Dedicated members keep the Derasar
voiceless and at the mercy of the rich, peace open on every Sunday in the afternoon. If
and Kavita Banthia's house. We all had is unattainable. He added change will come Dharmalabh, Discourse, Pravachan and you are in the area and would like to visit
from the clamor of the poor. They must be or attend a program, please call Viren Shah
Blessings from him. heard in international forums, made effecat 732 - 329 - 3236.
pace shuttle.
18 / JAIN DIGEST. Spring 2003 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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