ings. The older group presented a short skit TULSA, OK Jadavji Kenia, Regional Editor
"How The Chor Stole Diwali" based on "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." The skit The Derashar and the hall construction covered some of the tenets of Jain religion. for Tulsa Jain Sangh is progressing well.
We also had a discussion by Jain Shravak HOUSTON, TX
About 3/4th of the work has been completed. Hirabhai Ratan Manekji who has been
We are hoping to finish the basic project by Jain Society of Houston celebrated its keeping very long fasts by conquering over
ring over
the end of February. Our Derashar room is 6 Pratishtha Anniversary of the temple on hunger through the use of solar energy ab
about 960 sq. ft. and the hall about 2450 November 24, 2002. Deep Sthapan and sorption.
sq. ft. There are 3 classrooms and a kitchen/ Snatra Pooja were followed by Adhar Later in November some of our youth dining area for a total facility of 5200 sq. ft. Abhishek of various Tirthankars, attended YJA Southwest Regional Confer
We are planning to have ShilaRopan in Ganadhars and Dev-Devis. Flag Hoistingence hosted by Jain Society of Houston. In April during Mahavir lavanti celebration. was also performed for Bhagwans Mahavir, December we had Dr. Bhagchandra Jain We are hoping to have the Pratishtha Rushabhdev and Parshwanath. These tra
Bhaskar who spoke on modern historical Mahotsav around the last week of July 2003. ditional Vidhis were followed by a short perspective of Jainism. Samaniji Pratibha
We will provide more details in the next isdiscourse by Samaniji, Stavans-Bhavna, Prajnaji and Jagat Prajnaji visited us from
sue. This auspicious event will be blessed Aarti, Mangal Deevo and lunch. Houston, besides discourses they also con
by Gurudev Chitrabhanuji, Pramodaben During the Thanksgiving weekend, ducted a mini camp on Women's health,
and Jinchandraji Maharaj. We urge and inJain Fellowship (our youth group) hosted Preksha Meditation and demonstrated
vite everyone to be a part of our Pratishtha the YJA Southwest Regional Conference some useful Yoga exercises.
Mahotsav later this year. For detailed report refer to YJA pages. We JSNT contact is our current president
JSNT contact is our current president We had election for the year 2003. We had seminars on Rishi Mandal, and on Laxmi Zaveri at 972-608-0400. JSNT web
have two new trustees and almost the same women's health and wellness during the site is DFWJains.org.
executive committee members for 2003. For months of December 2002 and January
more information about The Tulsa Jain 2003. JSH also participated in all-religion PHOENIX, AZ
Sangh, please contact Kanti Shah at (918) conferences arranged in Houston. More
369-3163 or email kanaru@aol.com. than 80 students from Inter-Religion Faith came to visit our Jain Center.
During the months of November/De
cember 2002, Jain Center of Greater Phoe- NORTHEAST Jain Center in Houston has Pathshala
nix (JCGP) celebrated Diwali and Guru Dinesh Chheda, Regional Editor every Sunday and regular lectures from
Jayanti. For the first time this year, JCGP Samanijis. JSH contact is our current presi
organized "Mahavir Kalyanak Pooja" durdent Shanti Gala at 281-398-7402.or sec
ing Diwali. Many members participated retary Dilip Kapasi at 281-980-4567 email and really enjoyed performing the Pooja.
WASHINGTON, DC Dilipmeena@yahoo.com. This event was followed by Guru Jayanti
Following persons were elected to the Celebration. JCGP has also been very ac- executive committee for 2003: President: DALLAS, TX
tive spreading awareness of Jainism within Kanta Dharamsi; Vice President: Dhiraj
other communities via events such as Dis- Shah; Secretary: Niru Shah; Joint Secretary: Diwali was celebrated on November cover India and Interfaith. Weekly Pathshala Harshit M. Shah; Treasurer: Manu J Shah; 03, 2002. Snatra Pooja was followed by continues to be the cornerstone activity in Joint Treasurer: Ashok R. Shah; and Memchildren's program. Young children recited impressing our children with the Jain phi- bers-at-large: Sushil Jain, Kamlesh P. Shah Samayik Sutras that they have been learn- losophy.
and Kamlesh R. Shah. Manoj Dharamsi ing in the Pathshala. They also performed Details about JCGP's activities can be
was elected as the chairman of the Board of some small skits depicting Jain principles found at hutp://members.tripod.com/
Trustees, and Nisha Jain as youth coordinasuch as removal of bugs from the house jain phoenix. Contact for JCGP is Mehul
tor. Manoj Dharamsi and Sushil Jain will without hurting or killing them. Children Rajparia at 602-795-4987, email: De JAINA directors. ages 9-13 made a slide presentation cover- jain_phoenix@hotmail.com or
Mahavir Jayanti program to be held on ing Bhagwan Mahavir's life and his teach- mrajpari@sybase.com.
Saturday, April 12 will feature a stage pro
JAIN DIGEST. Spring 2003/17
Jain Education International 2010_03
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