AM253: Jain parents invite proposals for AM294: Alliance invited by Gujarati MD, Resident in Radiology, from handsome, outgoing, US born son, March parents for handsome, talented, athletic, preferably MD or professional boys. Call: 74,62", BS (IE), pursuing MBA, employed amicable, vegetarian, US born son, Aug 75, 606/297-2626. with multinational co., from attractive, 5'9", 150 lb, BBA (Fin/ Business law) well educated girls. Call: 810/750-0999. settled, successful CEO of family business, F581: Gujarati parents invite responses for
from parents of cultured and pretty US beautiful, talented, cultured daughter, born AM287: Rajasthani parents invite educated Jain girls. Call: 215/497-5088. Dec 73, 5'1", 110 lb, BS (Molecular correspondence from attractive, educated, email: kmodi@gis.net
biology), biotech / software professional in sociable, US raised, vegetarian Jain girls, for
silicon valley, CA, from well educated their handsome and cordial Mechanical / AM 295: Gujarati parents in NY invite Gujarati professionals. Call: 408/272-6833 Software Engineer son, 30, 5'6". Call: 256/ proposals for handsome, intelligent, 760-0359.
vegetarian son, born Oct 75, 5'10", 160 lb, F621: Gujarati parents invite proposals for BBA (Fin), well employed, from pretty,
beautiful, talented, vegetarian, US born AM288: Gujarati parents invite responses cultured, educated girls. Call: 718/482
daughter, Dec 73, 5'7", 3rd year Medical with biodata / photo for Physician(MD), 8779.
student, from professional boys preferably 2nd year GI fellowship, handsome, fair,
MD or Medical student. Call: 407/366vegetarian son, born March 71, 5'9", 135 Jain parents invite correspondence from
8810. lb, from pretty, cultured, educated Gujarati professional vegetarian girls with biodata girls. Call: 573/814-1700.Email: and picture for 27 / 5-10 MD (4th year
F628: Correspondence invited by Gujarati rekha@hojo-columbia.com resident specialist), very fair /handsome,
Jain family for beautiful, slim, attractive, Canadian Born, Toronto AM289: Gujarati Jain parents invite
caring, vegetarian, US citizen daughter, EMAIL:sandyjain99@hotmail.com responses for US born, handsome, fair,
born April 74, 5'3", MS (management), BS intelligent, fun loving son, Oct 74, 5'5", M826: Proposals invited for good looking,
CompSc, well employed, blend of east / BS biomedical eng, MBA, working with vivacious, talented, Jain boy, born April 72, west, family values, From cultured, well consulting firm (NY), from US raised, 5'11", MS (EE), well employed as Sr Engr educated, vegetarian boys. Call: 732/596beautiful, professional cultured, outgoing, with international co., fromcultured, 1114. caring girls. Call: 4057447-4362.
educated girls. Call: 916/447-7568. Email: ashah 1972@hotmail.com
F636: Jain parents invite proposals with bioAM290: Alliance invited for handsome,
data / photo from well educated, bright, vegetarian, Gujarati boy, born Jan
professionals, for their beautiful, slim, 75, 5'6", 130 lb, studied Engg. (Digital
talented, US raised daughter, born Jan 73, electronics), well employed with IT co., in F337: Physician, MD (internal medicine),
5'4", 115 lb, MS (EE), well employed with NY, from cultured, vegetarian, caring, im virtuous, vegetarian, 29 yrs, 5'4". 115
multinational co., Call: 815/397-3740. educated girls. Call: 718/291-4962. Email:
lb, Jain daughter. Parents invite biodata / ketan.shah@ogilvy.com photo from vegetarian educated boys. Mail
F637: Gujarati parents invite proposals for
pretty, charming, talented, vegetarian, US AM292: Proposals invited for vegetarian,
to: Fair Hill Rd, #308, Shaker Heights, OH talented,
citizen daughter, born May 72, 5'5", 120 issueless
44120. innocently
Ib, BS (pharmacy), weli employed as divorced, Gujarati boy, born Jan 72, 5'9",
Pharmacist, from cultured, professional 150 lb, BS chemical engg, MBA, well F419: Gujarati parents invite responses for
boys. Call: 732/326-9108. pretty, slim, talented, vegetarian, US raised employed with Andersen consulting, from cultured, educated match. Call: 847/942daughter, born April 69, 5'6", 105 lb, JD,
F640: Gujarati parents invite responses for 8588.email: namaste 124@hotmail.com LLM, well employed as lawyer with Arthur
their cultured, caring, slim, beautiful, Anderson, from cultured, professional boys.
sociable, intelligent, vegetarian, US raised AM293: Gujarati parents invite proposals Call: 718/424-5727.
/ citizen, born Aug 74, 5'6", Account for handsome, intelligent, athletic son, born
Executive in a family business, from Aug 74, 5'9", Third Year Medical student, F481: Parents invite correspondence for
cultured, educated boys. Call: 847/985from cultured, educated girls.Call: 765/ their beautiful, slim, charming, vegetarian,
6858. email: snk8274@aol.com 662-9586 or 765/664-0571.
US raised daughter, born Sept 72, 5'10",
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
For Private & Personal Use Only