Vol. III, 1997-2002
The Nature of....
and gods of other great religious persuasions on the earth plane. On these planes there is preliminary contact with the Universal Godhead, and understanding of the universal life and energy systems of which our solar system is composed33 Almost all this knowledge of the realities of the other dimensions was gathered thanks to the efforts of the researchers in that field. Our scientific instrumentation is such that we can detect and measure energy relating directly to only the physical and the bioplasmic bodies. The other bodies are invisible, i.e. we do not have instruments which will measure them. (They apparently possess transphysical substance/substantiality). But certain animals and birds, and men endowed with certain types of extra-sensory perceptive faculty like clairvoyance or tantric or yogic siddhis, are supposed to be able to perceive the astral bodies with their normal vision. A spirit moving in his astral body can obsess a living person. It has been found that death does not make a saint of a sinner, or a sage of a fool. The individual carries over all of the old beliefs, the old habits, the old desires and all of his faulty teachings and religious dogmas. Those departing souls who arrive on the lowest of the astral planes find that they lack physical bodies and are bewildered by the almost total darkness which seems to surround them. Consciously or unconsciously, a few of these finding an avenue of expression by obsessing human beings, and influence the possessed persons with their own thoughts, impart their own emotions to them, weaken the will power of the possessed persons, and at times actually control the possessed persons' actions and often produce great distress, mental confusion, and suffering. This is a fact of life which, though almost totally unrecognised by presentday psychiatry, is popularly believed by masses, and literature, too, delineates such incidents34 All energy manifestations in the spirit are perceived as light. The colours of light are distinguishable by the eye because they consist of different wavelengths of light. These wavelengths are energies. Thus, red is the particular energy used to disintegrate poisonous thoughts. The colour purple can be used to change undesirable condition, since it is cleansing fire. Blue is the vibration of protection and is used for encasing the body from head to feet to give a seal to the human aura, protecting its energies from being drained and depleted by others with weaker auras. The white light visualized in its shining perfection is the colour of the shining energies from the higher levels of spiritual life; its visualization is not only protection, but is also energising, calming, peaceful, and serene. The green ray is used for healing a situation or treating a physical condition, so much so that the illness is completely eradicated and does not return35 Karagulla studied and correlated the energy fields round both healthy human beings and those suffering bodily disorders; her method was aptly called 'auric diagnosis'. The consensus of what these sensitives see is three interweaving 'fields' around the body; the emotional field, a foot to 18 inches around the body and the mental field,
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