and nourishment during this sojourn in the spiritual world. The astral body serves as the condenser or accumulator or vehicle of this energy and a link between the nervous system and the Cosmic Reservoir of Energy, from which the energy is drawn30. Jesse Herman Holmes and his associate scientists have revealed that everything that ever existed on the physical plane of life has its counterpart here and may be seen and examined by any one curious enough to seek out the area in which they exist. It is only the astral bodies still connected to their physical counterpart and different types of thought creations from the physical plane penetrating into this area that we consider astral phenomena31. Meek has discovered that energy fields can, and do, penetrate the physical body as though it were transparent and had little substance, that the body is electrically powered and utilizes two other anciently-postulated energy systems of which the 20th-century science knows very little, that interpenetrating our physical body there is another "body" made up of a large number of energy fields, each of which collects and organises cells into shapes and organs precisely into specific patterns. The physical body is interpenetrated by a bioplasmic body. The other "bodies" or energy fields are invisible, since we do not have instruments with which we can measure them. We thus live on Seven Levels, namely the physical body, the bioplasmic body, the astral body, and four other levels of mind and soul; they are called the planet earth, i.e. physical or earth plane, and lower astral, middle astral, highest astral, mental, causal and celestial planes. The soul, personality, and emotions, memory banks and mental or causal body are all contained in astral body. When the physical and etheric bodies die the "real you" is still fully alive in your astral body. The lowest astral plane is referred to as hell. In the intermediate astral planes is primarily a rest and rehabilitation region for souls with inflexible or erroneous mental, emotional, or religious beliefs, the communication here being both by thought and spoken word. Each soul is here. encouraged to continue mental and spiritual growth to progress to higher astral and mental planes. In the highest astral plane, there are unlimited opportunities and encouragement for each soul to grow in mental and spiritual consciousness. Interest in activities on planet earth decreases, and there are encounters with angels. Eventually, the soul must decide whether to return to the earth plane for more experience or to accept the second death. In the latter case the mind and the soul may shed its astral body or the containment vehicle and be reborn onto that causal or mental level for which it has become qualified. When reborn, the soul will function in its mental or causal body. The mental and causal planes give an access to all of the accumulated wisdom of the ages on the earth plane and throughout other parts of our solar system. There is complete brotherhood. Most of man's inventions, scientific advances, poetry, inspired prose, art and music originate here and are passed down to receptive minds through the process of intuition on the earth plane. For this reason the intelligences on this level cause much of the good, beautiful, and inspiring activities on the lower planes. If all factors are favourable, then comes the final rebirth onto the celestial planes, the nature of which is consciousness as well as that of still higher galactic, universal, and cosmic levels. The celestial planes are the location of God, of Buddha,
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