M. A. Dhaky
the Astasahasri. The work till now is unavailable. 6. The work has been inspired by the inaugural verse of the Sarvārthasiddhi-țīkā on the
Tattvärtha-sutra by Pujyapada Devanandi (active c. A. D. 635-680). 7. Probably inspired by Akalankadeva's Pramāņa-sangraha as well as plausibly some other
works of a few preceding authors. 8. It embodies a critical analysis on the characteristics of 'patra'. 9. The work compares the epistemological stands of other philosophical schools with
that of the Nirgrantha. Ed. Gokul Chandra Jain, JMJGSG No. 30, Calcutta-VaranasiDelhi 1964. The information in annotations 1-9,11, and 12 in this paper has been abstracted from Gokul Chandra's "Introduction" in Hindi of the selfsame work, pp. 32-34.
10. This is a hymn addressed to Jina Pārsva of Śrīpura, the latter place was a tirtha in
that period, situated as it probably was somewhere in Karnataka. 11. Cf. G. C. Jain, "Introduction" to SSP. 12. Tatia, “A Compendium.," p. 13. 13. Jain, p. 8. There is also other evidence inside Vidyānanda's work. For example his
citing from Süreśvara Miśra's Sambandha-värttika. Sūrēśvarācārya was the principal disciple of Sankarācārya whose traditional date is A. D. 780-812. The reference to 'Satyavākyadhipa' in some of the Vidyānanda's works had been taken by Kothiya (and possibly by Pathak) as Ganga Rācamalla Satyavākya, the nephew and successor of Ganga Sivamāra I (Jain, "Introduction," p.31.) However, "Satyavākya" was also the title of Ganga Permānadi (Mārasimha II) (c. A. D. 963-974), son of Ganga Būtuga II.
And it is he who is implied in the context under discussion 14. Cf. L. D. Barnett, "Two inscriptions from Gawarwad and Annigeri of the Reign of
Somesvara II : Saka 993 and 994," Epigraphia Indica, Vol. XV, 1919-20, pp. 337-348. 15. Cf. Mahendrakumar Jain, "2. The Authors, T. Vidyānanda :," Siddhivinishchaya-tika of
Shri Anantaviryacharya, the commentary on Siddhivinishchaya and its Vritti of Bhatta Akalanka Deva, 7 Jnānapitha Murtidivi Jain, Granthamälā, SG 22, V.S. 2015 (A. D. 1959), pp. 49, 50. Pt. Jugal Kishor Mukhtar also believed Vidyānanda to be of ninth century. (Cf. "Svāmi Pätrakesari aur Vidyānanda," Jaina Sahitya aur Itihasa par Visada
Prakāśa, (Hindi). Calcutta 1965, p. 652. 16. Cf. Barnett, pp.338, infra 2. 17. Cf. "Swāmī Pātrakesarī.," Jaina Sāhitya aur Itihāsa. pp.637-667. 18. Vidyadhara Joharapurkar, in his "Introduction", summarizes the content of the
Gāvarvāda inscription but offers no comment on the implications which have a vital bearing on the date of Vidyānanda as also of Manikyanandi. (Cf. Jaina silalekha Sangraha, MDJG No. 48, Varanasi V. N. 2491/A. D.1964, pp. 10, 11.)
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