Vol. II-1996
The Date of Vidyānanda....
appearance of being unambiguous and hence of indubitable genuineness. The temporal bracket of Vidyānanda, on this showing, can now firmly be ascertained to have been between A. D. 900 and 950 as noted earlier in the discussion 18.
Mūla Sangha-Nandi Sangha (Valgāra-gaña)
Gangānvaya-guru Vardhamāna
Mahävādi Vidyānanda-svāmi
Tarkikara Manikyanandi
+ Gunakīrtti
Contemporary of Ganga Permādi (c. A. D. 962-974)
Gandavimukta I
Sarvamalānvita Gandavimukta II
Mantravādi Tribhuvanacandra
(Ins. A. D. 1071-1072)
ANNOTATIONS : 1. Siddharsi's most famous works are the Upamitibhavaprapanca-kathā (Sanskrit) (A. D.
905) and his commentary in Sanskrit (c. A. D. 900) on the Upadeśamālā of Sanghadāsa gani (c. mid 6th cent. A. D.). Recently, I have shown that the Nyāyāvatāra, a famous dvātrimśikā in Sanskrit on the Nirgrantha pramānaśāstra, is not the work of Siddhasena Divākara (c. A. D. 400-444) as had been held by many but of Siddharsi : (Cf. "The Date and Authorship of Nyāyāvatāra", Nirgrantha 1, Ahmedabad 1996.) Also may be added the sakrastava as Siddharşi's work, though hitherto steadfastly, insistently, but wrongly attributed to Siddhasena Diväkara. This is a further commentary on the southern adoption of the Tattvārthādhigamasūtra of Umāsvāti (c. A. D. 350-375), the latter work is called the Tattvärtha-sūtra
in the fold of the Digambara Jaina sect. 3. This is an enlarged commentary incorporating the Astašati of Bhatta Akalankadeva
(active c. A. D. 730-780) on the Aptamīmāṁsā of Samantabhadra (c. A. D. 575-625). 4. The work is a commentary on the Yuktyanuśāsana of Samantabhadra. 5. Vidyānanda has referred to this work in his Tattvārtha-śloka-vārttika and in
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