Vol. XXXV, 2012
Early Jainism and saivism
Aup. (875) describes śramanas (wandering monks) as kandappiyā (sexy), kukkuiyā (crooked), mohariya, (talkative), giya-rai-ppiyā. (interested in songs) and naccaņasītā (engaged in dancing). Description of kokkuiya occurs in BKBh. 6317-6326; and mohariya in BKBh. 6327, (cp. Pvs. 641-646, and Nibh. 3308). Sthāna 4.4.454 mentions sammoha instead of mohariya (maukharika, talkative ). As a matter of fact KSS 6.13. (an earlier source) mentions some of the bad bhāvanās like kokkuie, moharie, cakkhu-lolue, etc. It is reproduced in Sthāna 6.529 (see it with Abhayadeva's explanation on pp. 637 ff.). Also BKBh-vss 1293– 1327 contain an explanation of the bad bhāvanās as stated in $2 (above). In Utt. 1.30 (nisthajjappakukkue; he should sit, not bent up, or not crooked), Utt. 2.20 (akukkuo nisiejjā : he should sit down, not bent up, or "not crooked"), Utt. 21.18 (akukkuo...., without flinching or without being crooked), the term akukkuo can also be interpreted as a negative of the kukkuio, one of the bad bhāvanās as stated above (cp. Jacobi Utt.: SBE 45. p.110 fn.2 on akukkuo). Among the above five bad bhāvanās, mostly the kāndarpikī (sexy) bhāvanā is much concerned with the brahmacarya of the ascetics in general. Sāntisūri on Utt. 36 (pp. 709 ff) describes the sexy bhāvanā in vs. 262 and cites also a vs. with kaha-kaha-kahassa... a-hasam (cp. BkBh.12951296) which can be compared with Utt. Bambhacera-Samāhi-thānā (ch. 16, 1-6, vss. 1-6), where the monks are instructed to have carefulness and to avoid sexy-stories, talks, etc. (see Bhatt. Pārsva. $23.2, fns. 6162, Utt. 4.11-13). The kandarpa-bhāvanā contains characteristics like loud laughter, senseless speeches, etc. (see śāntisūri on Utt. 36, particularly vs. 262). some important sūtras from Pāśupata Sūtra 3. 12–18 : krātheta, spandeta, manteta, śrngöreta, api tat kuryāt, api tad bhāṣeta, yena parebhyaḥ paribhavam gacchet ! According to Kaundinya : hasita = atta-hāsa = loud laughter gīta = songs either in Sanskrit or in Prakrit, nrtta = hasta-pādādīnām utksepanam avaksepanam akuñcanam prasaranam calanam avasthānam ! dum-dum-kāra = jihvā-tālu-samyogān nispadyate vrsa-nāda-sadrśah sah ! it means : by attaching the tongue to palate, a sound is created, like a sound of a bull; that sound is dum-dum ! jāpya = chanting god's name