Vol. XXXIII, 2010
The Qualifications of a Student According to Niruktam
1.0 The Qualifications, of a Student as described in Different Texts: -
Qualification of the knower or pramātā comes first among the anubandhacatustaya for the study of any śāstra. In Vedantasāra the qualification of the knower is defined as "adhikārī tu vidhivadadhītavedavedāngatvenāpatato' dhigatākhilavedārtho'smin janmani janmāntare vā kāmyanișiddhavarjanapuraḥsaram nityanaimittikaprāyaścitopāsanānusthānena nirgatanikhilakalmasasādhanacatustayasampannaḥ pramātā.”
___ "अधिकारी तु विधिवदधीतवेदवेदाङ्गत्वेनापाततोडधिगताखिलवेदार्थोऽस्मिन्, जन्मनि जन्मान्तरे वा काम्यनिबिद्धवर्जनपुरःसरं नित्यनैमितिकप्रोयश्चित्तोपासनानुष्ठानेन निर्गतनिखिलगकलमबसाधनचतुफ़्यसम्पन्नः प्रभात ।
(Vedāntasārah 2/4) Here the qualifications are meant for the Ultimate Knowledge or Brahmavidyā. The interest and concentration of the knower is so strong that everything becomes valuless for him. It is just like the hungriness of a hunger to whom anything else is meaningless except food. Likewise the person who has willingness to acquire knowledge becomes desireless and becomes more attentive in listening, thinking and repeated meditation upon the knowing object. According to Bhagavad-Gītā, the man of faith, who has mastered his senses and who is intent on it, wins knowledge. Winning knowledge, he attains the peace supreme without delay. To qualify for the Ultimate Reality the study of the Vedas with the Vedāngas in proper way is necessary The study of the Vedas without knowing the meaning is worthless. Şadangas are there to clarify the meaning of the Vedas. Among the sadangas, Niruktam has a great ole in relation to the meaning of the Vedas. Niruktam discusses the qualification of the knower of the śāstra. 1.1.0 Disqualifications according to Niruktam: -
In the second chapter of Niruktam the disqualifications of a student for the Nirukta-Śāstra in particular is discussed first in the context of explanation of the isolated syllables. It is said that one should not explain isolated syllables, either to a non-grammarian, or to a non-residential pupil, or to one who is incapable of under-standing the śāstras.
In order to receive the knowledge of the Niruktam particularly and other śastras in general one should have the following three qualities: