The Qualifications of a Student
According to Niruktam
Paramba Shree Yogamaya
India has its identity for spirituality by knowledge through ages. The Veda is, the encyclopedia of all types of knowledge. The Brahmarșis and Maharsis divide the Veda into four in the end of each dvāpara by seeing the short life span and little intellect of the people. The proper way of study of Veda is based upon kulaparamparā and then guru sisya-paramparā. Now-a-days the kula-paramparā is not found widely; but the guru paramparā is still alive in India. If anybody has no knowledge about his kula paramparā due to ignorance or lack of education he should study the mādhyandina recension of Sukla Yajurveda. But one must study the Veda. The aim was spiritual upliftment through knowledge.
0.1 Acquisition of Knowledge: -
The form of knowledge is discussed in various ways in our Indian tradition. After all it is the most delightful feeling and a source of enlightenment. Nothing is more pure than knowledge. 4
But without getting siddhi we human beings block our ultimate success by deviating our aim and concentration by getting a little bit of knowledge. But this is the symbol of ignorance. In this stage one blocks his mind to acquire more by thinking that his knowledge is sufficient. Bhartphari describes the stages from ignorance to knowledge very clearly. Really the proper acquisition and preservation of knowledge and the worthiness of the recipient of knowledge is important. One who is humble, inquisitive and integrated is the actual qualifier of knowledge. The qualification to acquire knowledge has many śāstra pramanas.