Vol XXII, 1998
faith, nght vision, right view It is of nine kinds (1) Physical sight obscuring Karma (caksurdarśanāvaranīya) (2) Perceptual power of the four sense organs and the mind obscuring
Karma (acaksurdarśanăvaraniya) (3) Faculty of direct insight obscurng Karma (avadhıdarśanāvaraniya) (4) The Karma which obscures the nght intution of obtaining perfect
knowledge (kevaldarśanāvaraniya) (5) Light or pleasant slumber generating Karma (nidrā) (6) Heavy slumber generating Karma (nidrānidrā) (7) The Karma which causes sound sleep which overtakes a person sitting
or standing upright (pracalakarma) (8) The Karma which causes an exceedingly intensive sleep that overtakes
a person while walking (pracalāpracala). (9) The Karma which generates worst type of slumber with terrific vigour
through which man may commit horrible crime in the sleep III Feeling producing Karma (vedaniya) is cause of feeling pain and pleasure
and is of two kinds, which helps us to get worldly pleasure (sātā-vedaniya)
and which leads us to misery (asātāvedaniya) IV Deluding Karma (mohanīya) which obscures right faith and nght conduct
is divided into 28 kınds First of all it is divided into two kinds that which obscures right belief, infatuates the person, on account of this person loses his discriminative power of distinguishing right and wrong belief (darśanamohanīya) and the Karma which obscures the right conduct, which is the property of the soul (caritramohaniya) The first is divided into three kinds viz, that which obscures the right belief and generates complete wrong belief (mithyātvamohanīya), that which obstructs in getting complete right belief but produces correct partial belief (samyaktvamohaniya) and that which produces mixed belief having some degree of truth and same degree of falsity (miśramohanīya) The latter is divided into 25 kinds on the basis of obstruction produced by 10 passions
(kasāyas) and 9 semi-passions (nokasāyas) V Age determining Karma which determines the length of life span of all It