helpful for minimising the duration of bondage of Karma
The Karmas which bind the soul are classified into eight fundamental types on the basis of their nature viz
(1) Knowledge obscuring Karma (jñānävaraniyakarma)
(2) Insight obscuring Karma (darśanävarniyakarma)
(3) Feeling producing Karma (vedaniyakarma)
(4) Deluding Karma (Mohaniyakarma)
(5) Age determining Karma (Ayuskarma)
(6) Body determining Karma (nāmakarma)
(7) Heredity determining Karma (gotrakarma), and
(8) Power hindering Karma (antarāyakarma)"
Knowledge obscuring Karma (jñānāvarniya), insight obscuring Karma (darśanavarniya), deluding Karma (mohaniya) and power hindering Karma (antaraya) are called ghatikarmas, (deadly Karmas) as they tend to obscure the real nature of self, affect the attributes of the soul These Karmas not only lead to worldly misery but also retard the moral progress of the aspirant Remaining four Karmas, viz, feeling producing Karma (vedaniya), age determining Karma (ayuskarma), body determining Karma (näma) and heredity determining Karma are called aghati Karmas, because these are not directly concerned with obscuring the nature of the soul In the absence of ghätikarmas they do not retard the moral progress of the aspirant
These eight kinds of fundamental Karmas are subdivided into 97 kinds11
The Jäänävaraniya Karma which obscures the knowing faculty of the soul is divided into five kinds viz, the Karma which obscures the knowledge acquired through the senses and the mind, prevents our right conscience and intellect It is known as matyñänävaraniya The Karma which prevents acquiring knowledge of scnptures is called srutajfiänävaraniya That which hinders direct knowledge of matenal objects is avadhyñänävaraniya, that which obscures direct knowledge of the thought of others is known as mähah-paryayajñānävaraniya, and lastly that which prevents us from knowing night way of attaining liberation (kevalajñānāvaraniya) Darlandvaraniya or insight obscuring Karma prevents us from having night