1965 (A D 1909) Also of A N Upadhye, Sıddhasena's Nyāyāvatāra and other works, Bombay 1971 (Upadhye's preface is uninformative, uncritical, and soaked with stiong sectaiian venom) A third publication which incorporates this dvätrimśikä was edited
by Vijayasuśīla sūrı, atled the Dvātrımsad-dvātrimsikāh, Botad 1977 6 This was, as will be further said, due to the difficulty of understanding it fully 7 I possess insufficient expertise in Buddhism to venture in the direction of such an
8 This is at present a more generally accepted date I shall, therefore, forgo citing recent
discussions on it
9 If Dinnāga is ultimately proven Vasubandhu's direct disciple as the Northern Buddhist
traditions (as also the Nigrantha Simhasūra ksamāsramana) held, his date will have to be shifted back by three to four decades Even then he remains posterioi to Siddhasena Divākara
10 This is by Siddhicandra, a friar of the Tapā-gaccha, who flourished in early 17th
century in the Mughal period
11 For details, see the author's Hındı edition of the Sanmatl-prakarana, Ahmedabad 1963 12 His thesis foi Ph D entitled Siddhasena Duvākara A Study, from which Upadhye
extracts in his Siddhasena's, pp 51-68 Also of Dave's introduction in Gujarātī to
Vijayasusīla-sūri's edition, p 42 13 See Vijayasuśīla-sūri, pp 375-396 14 The Nirgrantha commentators (Devanandı, Simhasüra, Akalankadeva, Haribhadra, and
later writers) cite a verse beginning with the words Ksanıkäh sarva-samskäräh which is yet to be traced from the Buddhist sources