Vol. XXI, 1997
following Vămana. (8) 316704rf HEM. (Ku. Sam. 7/57); Kā.śā. 2/31 & 3/6 (fa).
This verse is quoted twice as above. Vyabhicāri autsukya is read in the first case by H., and in the Viveka, while dealing with eight blemishes of both word and sense, this verse occurs again; The blemish afayefariki is the context. In case of 'करेण रुधोऽपि', the use of 'करण' is charming.
(9) Brasil. (Ku. Sam. 3/54). Kā.Śā. 6/5 :'' is illustrated by this verse. (10) $a: 44:. (Ku. Sam. 2/55). Kā.śā. 1/23 :'अपदेश' is the factor which restricts the sense here in case of शब्दशक्तिमूलध्वनि, all to H. (11) #vai #44:. (Ku. Sam. 4/23). Kā.śā. 6/15 :The figure called जाति/(स्वभावोक्ति) is illustrated by this verse. (12) và quất. (Ku. Sah. 6/63.) Kã.Sa. 7/9; 4/1. D fa. () व्यभिचारिभाव 'औदार्य' is explained here, and in the वि. कान्तिगुण वार्तायां. which is twofold; (वार्ता/वर्णना) is explained by this verse following दण्डिन्. (13) yayıft. (Ku. Sam. 8/5); Kā.Śā. 2/25 :H. explains '3152' by citing this verse. (14) vaalfeft. (Ku. Sam. 6/84). Kā.śā. 2/37:Jooll / staferen is explained in this verse. (15) augea TRII. (Ku. Sam. 1/42). Kā.śā. (fa). 8/9 :H. illustrates 3740 in the faldato by citing this verse, wherein he finds ornamentation by each other on the part of the neck and the necklace. (16) gaf feil. (Ku. Sam. 3/10). Kā.Šā. 3/5 (fa) :H. observes that here by using foAlchyfor, the poet avoids repetition with poetic effect. (17) gyurgenfa. (Ku. Sam. 4/40). Kā.śā. 6/8 (fa) :