Nilanjana S. Shah
37*8*7*** (1.3.45), should not arise at all, because thc word af4+ør is rendered transitive, as the #14td itself serves the purpose of the object (91426ET FH faaleacait ).
The word काश्चनी, used by Bhatti in पुरी काश्चनीम् (7.9) has been a controversial usage, from the grammatical viewpoint.
The sutra Citid (4.3.140) prescribes 3757 in the sense of modification or part after claif words. This is a general rule !gtelen) to be set aside by the exception (1991) farez' quifexu 4.3.144), prescribing मयर in the place of अन and giving the form काञ्चनमयी.
Maitreya, as quoted by Saraṇadeva justifies the form with the help of the fuel fafaqq71afaqasytansfulafaga (58)2 . Here also the general rule prevails and 81T is enjoined in place of 22 and we get the form
& .
This justification is not acceptable to Nagesa, the author of Paribhrgendusekhara as it goes against the comment of the Bhasya on the rule
9 (3.3.12). Patañjali there states that hul is repeated in order that it may he added also, when an apavāda may be applicable (2701: पुनर्वचनमपवादविषयेऽनिवृत्यर्थम्). Hence the exception cannot bc set aside by the general rule. Nagesa himself derives the word $1 by applying the sūtra B (4.2 92).
In the verse न चापलेभे वणिजा पणायान् (3.27), Bhatti has used the आय suffix in the sense of 'making a contract.' The sutra tarafagforgfxz: 2119 (3.1.28) enjoins a suffix to 9ot only in the sense of praise, because qn is read here along with 97, which has the sense of praise only.
To justify this use of 872 suffix, Saramadeva cites the opinion of Maitreya, that some grammarians do not respect the 16 of gor with ca and therefore the suffix 3919 is enjoined in both the meanings. Maitreva has quoted the above usage of Bhatti in support of his view.
While cominenting on the sutra TAIFA (6.1.63) Saranadeva remarks that in spite of the anuvștti of the word grafa from 6 1.68. the rule can be applied to secular literature also. In his support, he cites, the view.of Kasikakāra, and in the following line of Bharti : 971 Harga afgan (3.41). Maitreya says that 959184157 9149212: and thereby suggests that it applies to secular literature also,