M. P. Lakhani
during this labour hundred cells of his body perish. And so with any and everythin man does-pain and pleasure go together.
And if pain and pleasure are equal why should one act for a thing. If pain and pleasure are equal, if there is no profit, it is foolish for man to act, to do anything. It is nothing but FOLLY to live. The only logical and sensible thing would be to get out of such an improfitable existence, to die. But the patent fact is that man does not want to die, he does not want to quit. Obviously he finds that pleasure is greater than pain, he finds it pleasanter and more profitable to live than to die. This means that in life, the proportion of pleasure is greater than that of pain. How is that brought about?
God created inan and wanted him to go forth in the world of matter to experiment, to gather experience, to evolve and get at the Truth of Life. This he could do only by performing action so that existence and action are synonimous. To supply incentive for action. He made arrangement so that, for man, sum total of pleasure becomes greater than the sum total of pain. He or His Deputies, sacrifice themselves to lift some pain off humanity. There are a large number of 'Christs' who bear the cross who take upon themselves some of the pain of humanity, they accept suffering so that humanity may move forwards. Rishis, Munis, Yogis, having renounced the world and sitting in caves and forests in Samadhi are not being selfish. They have not run away from the world for selfish purposes, for personal progress. In Samadhi, they are helping the human race on higlier planes of existence. All the time they are 'endeavouring to pull up the human race. Masters though they have discarded their physical bodies, are working on higher planes to keep and guide humanity. This is a collosal task and there are a large number of spiritual Beings constantly lifting a part of human pain. That is how the ratio of pleasure becomes greater than pain and man finds it possible to act and live
Amritain and poison conie up while churning the ocean. Poison would have destroyed all activity. So, Shiva took up the poison and kept it in His throat-that is how his throat and body became blue, and He came to be called 'Neela Kantha', and so helped the creation to act and progress.