M. P. Lakhani
Before the creation, God exists in an unconditioned state, without attributes, as God the Absolute, Nirguna Brahman. When He desires to create, He conditions Himelf and becomes Suguna Brahman-in the form of Trinity-Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva--personifying the attributes of Rajas, Satva, Tamas., representing Activity, Harmony and Stability, Inertia and Destruction. Creation starts with the coming into being the fourth, the feminine or passive or negative aspect, Mattei, Prakriti or Primordial Eneragy.
What Brahma creates with the help of Prakriti becomes alive' when pervaded by the Spirit of Vishnu. When Christ descends into the womb of virgin Mary, life starts-the creation starts.
Life consists in balancing the two principles-activity and inertia, the positive and the negative, the Spirit and Matter, the Purusha and the Prakriti. There is thus duality in life : good and bad, pleasure and pain, up and down, light and darkness and so forth. These two opposite principles are the two sides of the same entity, Life. Realisation of this is the ultimate goal of man; this is realising the Truth: this is reaching Godhood.
By thc very nature of creation, therefore, the two opposing principles, positive and negative exist in equal quantities. If one principle were to increse or decrease, it would produce disharmony, unstability, destruction.
living to find
Man, as every other living being, is struggling, pleasure.
If a man is willing to go somewhere to achieve what he has in his mind, every step he takes is a pleasure because it is taking him nearer to his fulfilment. But the exertion to take a step is pam; with every step he takes, hundreds of cells of his body die. When man feels hungry he eats. Every morsel he takes is a pleasure; it satisfies the pangs of hunger, it yields pleasure to his taste. But the labour involved in prepasing food, raising it to the mouth, chew it..... is labour, is pain and