and Paņạitaraja Jagannatha in his Rasagangadhara: afara afacer Fantara maagfiugamaudifah.... ... guarda alfarar-...... Afraintalo are: Anana II, opening para. . P 121; L 16 (from below): The translation “morane märava jetalo ja samaya male che". Aitza arat at RY HO, though it has the support of Bulapriya commentary, the suggested sense as pointed out by Anandavardhana himself is far more poetic and charming; Teata (mat) मयूरमात्रमारणसमर्थः पतिर्जात इत्यर्थप्रकाशनात्...... तत्संभोगकाले करिवरवधन्यापारसमर्थ reifer ATTAICI
-Dhvanyaloka III P300 (Guj. Exposition): p. 153, last but one paragraph); also Cf. the gātha frontagnant etc., ch IV p 529; (Gujarati exposition p. 345). P 185 LL 1-2- Here mention may be made of the Prakrit work Lilavaikaha which describes Satavahana's visit to the nether world.
P 185: L 11- Tbe punctuation mark is through oversight left out. But it has neccessarily to be there. P 200 L 6 (from below) The gātha is in Mahārāşțri Prakrit and not in Apabbramba. P 202 L 7 (from below) | Speaks of three reasons but the discussion deals P 203 L 4
J with four reasons. .
P 223 LL 4-5 (from below):- Here the source of this verse may briefly be discussed-whether it is from Vikramorvasiyam or whether it is the spooch of Yayati at the sight of Devayāni (Vide Jhalakikar's edn. of Kavyaprakaša, p. 126).
P 290 L.4: A kayo juda ja prakara no lāvaṇyasimdhu che 't get
991 arqugfény 3... As the description has reference to a paragon of feminino beauty it would be proper to take Lävaṇya-Simdbu in the Femi (Lāvaṇya-Sarit). P 335 LL 5-13:- 'puruşă' needs to be corrected to Parusa. The precise distinction between 'Sukumāra Vstti' and 'Komal Vịtti' should be brought out.
Some technical or peculiar Sanskrit words needs to be duly explained in Gujarati, for example, upalaksaņa (p 57 LL 2, 4, 6, etc.), nalini (p124 L 5), vikata-bandha (P180, L 3), anukirtana (P 184, Ls), difference between upanāyaka and pratināyata (P 184 L 14), anupamdhāna (P 190 L 2, from below), panagośțhi (p 292 L 12).
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