189-203 204-9
Jain Bibliography
Third atonement: Mixed (misa; miśra). Chap. VI. Fourth atonement Restitution (vivega; viveka).
Jain Education International
Fifth atonement: the Undisturbed abandonement of the body (viussagga, kaussagga, vyutsarga).
Chap. VII. Sixth atonement: Isolation (parihära), afterwards replaced by the Mortification(tava, tavo; rapas).
Chap. VIII. Seventh and eighth atonements: partial and radical suppression of religious seniority (cheya, cheda; múla). Chap. IX. Ninth and tenth atonements : Demotion and Exclusion (amavathy, anavasthaya; pāraḥciya, pārāñcita).
Coherence, unresolved points and contradictions. -Humanity of the teachers. -Benefit of community life. Individual perfection and unselfish abnegation.
217-229 Bibliography. 230-40 Index. Errata.
C. CAILLAT. Translation into French and philological commentary of Vavahara-sutta 1-3. In Drei Chedasutras des Jaina-Kanons. Aydradasão, Vavahāra, Nistha bearbeitet von Walther SCHUBRING. Mit einem Beitrag von. Colette CAILLAT. Hamburg, 1966. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien herausgegeben vom Seminar für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens an der Universitat Hamburg, 11).
P. 48-69.
C. CAILLAT. The Religious Praya cittas according to the old Jaina Ritual (Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya Golden Jubilee Volume, Part 1, p.88-117). -Bombay, 1968.
Summary, in English, of No, 38
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