Sudarshan Kumar Sharma The namo proper of the Malavarāja is not given by Band but the opithet “Mulavarajaputrau" when compared with Aphsad (Nawada Subdivision, Gaya District, Bibar 672 A.D.) referring to Śrikrşņagupta, Hanya gupta, Jivitagupta, Kumāragupta, Dämodaragupta, Mabasenagupta, Madhavagupta and Adityasena give an inkling to the point that Madbavagupta as Malavarajaputra a younger brother of Kumāragupta refered to by Baņa may be deemed as the son of Mahasenagupta whom Dr. Baijnath Sharmait construes as having shifted to Malavā or Eastern Malava and settled there. Dr. B.N. Sharma, however, postulates Mabā senagupta's retention of the Eastern parts of the Gupta empire and bis bringing under sway the dominions from Malavā to East Bengal." But Adityasena issued his inscription from Gayā district of Bihar which implies that he remained the overlord of Magadha as such. Dr. Sharma postulates the marriage of Mabāsenaguptā the sister of Mabāsenagupta with Adityavardhana father of Prabhakara-Vardhana. 15 He also postulates that Yasovati the queen of Prabhākaravardbana. was the daughter of Yaśovardhana Vikramaditya.16 He therefore makes Prabhākaravardhana as a sister's husband vying with the brother-in-law for the supermacy of Malavā. Bāņa refers to the death of Graha-Varma Maukhari son of Avantivarma and son-in-law of Prabhā-.. karavardhana at the hands of Malavarāja.17 He, however, refers to the soige and occupation of Kušasthala (Kanauj) after Rajyarardhana had been despatched to the heavens, the revered queen Rajyasrl having broken loose from the bondage, entered the Vindhya forest along with her entourago, 18 This Gupta may preferably be identified with Deva-Gupta mentioned in Banskhera and Madhuban Plates of Har şa19.
Devagupta and others have been described as having been brought under control by Rajyavardbana. But this does not seem to be 80 as indicated by the subsequent sentence in Ucchvāsa VIII.
"Bhuktavāmsca bandhapātprabhști vistarataḥ svasuh Känya-Kubjat Gaudasambhramam guptito Gupta Dämna Kulaputrena niskāsanam20 Dirgatayaśca Rajyavardbana-maraņa śravaņam
śrutvā ca abăranitā-karaṇam" etc. Which means that she was taken out of bondage by some noble scion named 'Gupta' or noble scion of secret appellation. This narration in the eighth Ucchvāsa is nothing but a reiteration of what bas been said on p.813/814 of the Calcutta Edition.
"Deva devabuvam gate Deve Rajyavardhane Guptanamna ca grhite Kušasthalo Devi Rajyaśrīḥ paribhraśya bandhanat Vindhyātavim pravięta jti lokato vārttamassavam"
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