Bhaskaravarma of Dandi and Bana : An Appraisal
varma having an elder brother in Supratişthitavarmā. The bird eye view taken of the above historical facts makes a number of points clear.
Bhāskaravarmā was a contemporary king of Harşavardhana. He was a yong prince when Prabbākaravardhana was the overlord of the Earth having Hūņas, Sindhurāja, Gurjara, Gāndhāra, Lata and Mālava owing alegiance to his paramountsy.11 Mabāsenagupta the later Gupta monarch was a contemporary of Susthitavarma and Mabāsenagupta's son Mădbavagupta was a contemporary of Harşa-Vardhana. Bhāskaravarmā was older in age than Harşavardhana. Apart from being a king of Kāmar ūpa he also held sway over the vast areas of Bengal and Bihar and contiguous regions barring aside Thanesar and
Kanauj. That formed the domain of Harşavardhana. 4. Mahāsenagupta 12 was the king of Magadba whose discomfiture of
Susthitavarmā was seen by Supratisthita-varmā the elder son, Supratisthita-varmā died during the life-time of his father and Bhāskara varmā took the reios of administration as such. Bhāskaravarmā was a bachelor throughout his life and was succeeded by some Devavarmā who was overthrown by one Sālastamba. Bhāskaravarmā sought the succour of Harsavardhana in overthrowing Śaśānka of Gauda who in collusion with Devagupta of Mālava had murdered Rajyavardhana, elder brother of Harsa while Devagupta had chastised and killed Grahavarmā Maukhari in collusion with Saśānka. Madhavagupta was a subsidiary overlord son of Mahāsena Gupta. Śaśānka's relation with Mahās nagupta and Madhavagupta is not very clear. Bhāskaravarmā overthrew Śaśānka in alliance with Harsa who allowed Bhaskaravarmā to rule over Gauda and Karna Suvarna and established Madh..va Gupta son of Mahasena Gupta in Magadha as
vassal ruler. 8. Bāņa, however, refers to Kumāragupta and Madhavagupta as the two
sons of Mālava-rāja.
"Yataḥ sarvadosābhişangaih asangatau bahudbā upadhābhiḥ pariksitausucau vinītau vikrāntau abhirupau putrau bhrātarau bhujau iva' sairāt avyatiriktau Kumāragupta-Mälhavaguptąu asmabhir bhavatoh anucaratvārtham imau nirdist au 13
Sambodhi-X. 13
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