V. M. Kalarni
The distinction of citing for the first time, Prakrit. verses and illustrations in works op Sanskrit poetics goes to Anandavardhana, the celebrated author of Dhvanyaloka. Abhinavaguta, his famous commentatot, gives in his Locano the Sanskrit chayā of these verses and explains them pointing out their poetic and aesthetic beauty. He also quotes on occasions Prakrit verses, on his own, to illustrate some point or another of poetics and adds significant comments on them. In the present paper additional verses, cited by Abbigavagupta, are marked by arterisk. The edition of Dhvanyaloka with Locana used in the present study is the one with Balapriya comentary published in Kashi Sanskrit Series, Benares, 1940. I have profitably used two papersl of Dr. H. C. Bhanyani presenting a critical-discussion of the text of the Prakrit illustrative verses from Dhvanyaloka.
(1) Bhama dhammia visattho.. .. ..(P.52) . भम धम्मिम वीसस्थो । वीसद्धो सो सुणओ अज्ज मारिभो तेण ।
गोला-णइ-कच्छ-कुडंग-वासिणा दरिअ-सीहेण ॥ भ्रम धार्मिक विश्वस्तः / विस्रब्धः स शुनकोऽद्य मारितस्तेन । गोदा-नदी-कच्छ निकुञ्ज(=लतागहन-) वासिना दृप्तसिंहेन ॥] . (2y Atta ettia nimajjai.. .. .. (p.71)
अत्ता एत्थ णुमजइ एत्थ अहं दिअसरं पुलोएसु । मा पहिअ रक्तिअंध सेज्जाए मह णुमज्जिहिसि ॥
-GS VII. 67 . श्वश्ररत्र निषीदति ( =शेते ) अत्राहं दिवसकं प्रलोकस्व ।
मा पथिक रात्र्यन्धक शय्यायामावयोनिषत्स्यसि ॥] •Maha' generally stands for 'mama' (Sk). Abhinavagupta, however, pointedly observes :
मह इति निपातोऽनेकार्थवृत्तिस्त्रावयोरित्यर्थे न तु ममेति । एवं हि विशेषवचनमेव शङ्काकारि भवेदिति प्रच्छन्नाम्युपगमो न स्यात् ।
- Locana p. 71 S. Vol. 8 (1)
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