JC Skdar
Dr. Adelheid Metto has brilliantly edited Pınd'esand (the chapter of Oha-ninjutti on the begging custom of the Jaipa monks) by making a critical study of the position of Oha-nlpjuth in the Jaina canons, tho relation between Oha-nijjutti and Ogha-niryukti-Brhadbhasya, the difforent courses of tho original toxt and dealing with the contents of Oha nilfutti, the construction of Pinda-niljutti, Pinda-niksepa, gavesana, grahana and ghaisa and presenting a synopsis of Prakrit Pond'saņā rules corresponding to their sequence in Oha-nijjutti and the text of Pind'esaņa, placing rechprocally some important specimens of the texts of the Nifrutti (Mala) Bhaça and Ogha-niryukti-Brhadbhasya for easy comprehension with a comparative look into them and last of all the index of Pind'esand under the sequence of atrophes corresponding to the traditional distribution on Nisjuttis and (Mala) Bhäşa.
She has thrown light on the position of Oha-nijfutti in tho Jaina Canong by tracing the chronology of the ten classical nijjuttis appertalning to one canonical text, Avassaya.nljuttu, Acuranga nljjuttl, Dasaveyaliya. nijjuttl, Pinda-nijjutti, etc, in the introduction, with her literary and hlatorical acumen. In her view the comparable Oha-niljufti and Pindanisjutti are considered to bo Indopendent works and traditionally classified in the group of Malasutras, but each of thom has, howovor, also a firm place within ono of the ten classical nisjuttis. Besides, Oha-nisjutti as the constituent part of Avassaya-ntjjutti stands in internal coborence with Avassaya and its environs
Dr. Mette has critically dealt with the relation between Oha-njutti and Ogha-niryukil-Brhadbhasya, a recently discovered anonymous Bhasya of it, besides the Votti of Dronācārya in Its fatorpretation by traoing the different courses of the original text of Oha-nijjutll as corrected, harmo nized, changed and inserted by the author of Ogha niryukti-Brhad bhusya in this commentary
She has methodically treated her theme - Pind'esana by making a survey on the contents of Oha-nijsulti with an analysis of the throo large chapters of it on padllehana (inspection) pinda (alms) and uyahi (outfit)
Pindesana - edited by Dr. Adelheid Mette, Akademi der Wissen Schaften und der Literatur, Mainz, West Germany, 1974,