The Bhusa-laksana Chapter of Gualankura
Notes: 1. The Deśya item corresponding to the gloss alear and possibly
another Desya item and its gloss are lost. 3. cf. DN. 6, 58 com. पेंडारो महिषीपाल इति देवराज: and DN. 7,41
com.: वच्छीवो गोषः. DN. 6,130 माहिलो महिसिवालम्मि also is worth
4. DN. 4, 9 डिअली यूणा and PL. 360 थूणा दिअली. Items identified • 3. पिंडारोन्महिसीवो (or माहिलओ) •bufialo-herd'.
4. डिअली-थूणा "post.
[३३. महा/भद्रा] DB. भ(स)द भणाए तह(ह)....वि(चि) यगो रोगी xx सीस। ___जलणं भल्लइ दीर्णं हत्यो साहापषो ईवा ॥४० R. भद्दा भणिए तह...वियगो(१) रोगी(१)xxसीसी ।
अयण भण्णइ जीणं हत्थो साहा य णायव्वा ॥ Notes, Denlelou and Bhatt suppose that the first line of verse 40illust
rates the Bhadra dialect and the second Ilne illustratos Bhadrabhoitka in accordance with verse 4. But there is no mention of Bhadrabhojika or any other name in the second line of verse 40. So It seems that the whole of the verge 40 Mustrates only Bhadra
and the verso for Bhadrabhojika is missing. 1-2 As the text has gaps here, no Desya Items can be mado out,
Possibly the last two letters suggest that the second Dekya itom was समसीस which according to the DN. means सदृश- and निर्भर
and according to the PL. समसीसी means सादृश्य3. DN. 3, 40 जयणं हय-कवचम्मि; PSM. जीण- 'saddle'; Sk. जयन
'armour for cavalry'(MW.), sita-leather bag, woolen cover' (MW.).
Hindi जीन, Guj. जीन (from Persian zin) 'saddle'.
4. One of the meanings of Sk. Trear is 'arm'. Items identified : 3. जीणम्जयणं 'horse's armour'. .
4. साहाम्हत्थो 'arm'.
[३४. भद्रमोजिका
[The verse is possibly mlesing]