Coletle Caillat
50. [v. 1. D.] How is the god attained ? Where has the supreme Lord gode ?
How can he be forgottea, who is the Blissful Śiva ali permeating ?
51. O dear, whatever 18 other, that 19 another, another is not the Self
I shall be cremated, but the Self) will remain : he will not turn back to contemplate
52. Foolish man, everything absolutely is a product of karmang, there is nothing which is not karman-produced,
While the soul marches on, the hut has not gone : contemplate this allegory. 53. The god who dwells lu your body-his temple-, accompanied by his Śakti,
u bo 19 be, jogi, there, this Siya with Sakti? quickly search for their difference. 54 He does not age, (or) die, nor is born, be, whoever he is, [v 1. DI who is supremo, without beginning,
soverolgo of the three worlds, made of knowledge, he is the (Bilgsfull) god Siva- surely 55. Without Siva the Sakti does not function; on the other hand, Śiva 18 (088entially) without Śakti,
when both are known the whole universe is understood, delusion has disappeared.
56 Another thing as long as you have not noticod your nature as belog composed of knowledge,
your thoughts, belog the prey of imaginations and to decisions-(though) composed of knowlodge-are consumed miserbly
57. He who has understood the Self to be eternai, hoalthy, made of koowledge, with ita own nature being of tho higher bliss -
supreme-he bad no other thought
58. If we know one Jlna, we know the io foite god,
on the contrary, ho who is deluded by delusion, ho stays wandering far, 59 He in whose heart dwells the Self mado of omniscience,
ho remains free in the throe worlds sin does not stick to hlm. 60 He who, having understood this as the cause of bondage, does not
thlok, talk, act, he 18 tho suprome Solf, whose being is shining with Omniscience,