Kendall W
apologies to students and scholars in those regions whose efforts may be overlooked here, mention may still be made of authors and works whose existence should be made known to American scholars,
In the United Kingdom, note must be taken of the work of Robert Hamilton Williams, particularly his Jaina Yoga, London Oriental Series 14 (London Oxford University Press, 1963), a masterfol source-book on the ethical prescriptions for the lay-Jaina The work covers the classical sour. ces for such prescriptions, and awareness of its contents is vital for any study that seeks to explore the relationship between the community of lay-Jainas and the larger Hindu tradition in medieval India.
Despite the absence of current information on studies in Italy, It would not be fitting to present a report of this sort without stressing the immensely valuable work done on Jaina materials of all sorts by a gode. ration of Italian scholars in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centurles Many of the excelleat works of F. L Pullé, Luigi Suali, A Ballini, P. E Pavolini, F. Bellont-Filippi, and others as well, are available only In now-crumbling volumes of the Giornale della Società Asiatica Italiana (Firenze), the collection and preservation of these joarnals should rank high on any list of tasks necessary for building a collection in Jalua studies,
In the Low Countries, Jozef Deleu, of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Ghent, has produced a steady stream of works on the Jainas. His most recent contribution is a detailed analysis of the contents of the fifth anga of the Jaina canon Viyahapannatti (Bhagavat) Introduction, Critical Analysis, Commentary and Indexes, Publications of the Faculty of Letters & Philosophy, Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, 151 (Brugge, 1970). Prior to this exteremely valuable work, Deleu produced "Lexicographical Addenda from Rajasekhara's Prabandhakosa." Indian Linguistics, Turner Jubilee Volume II (Poona, 1959); and two other studies of canonical texts The first of these is an edition of the first three chapters of the Mahanistha (a canonical Cheyasutta), published along with Walther Schubring's edition of chapters four and five of the same text, in Alt-und Neu-Indische Studien 10 (Hamburg, 1963), the second is Nirayavaliyasuyakkhandha : Uvanga's 8-12 van de gaina Canon, Orientalia Gandonsia IV (Lelden, 1969).
A series of important publications has been produced in France by Collette Caillat Les expiations dans le rituel ancien des religieux Jaina, Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne 25 (Paris, 1965), Canda avenhaya Introduction, édition critique, traduction, commentaire, Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne 34 (Paris, 1971), and “Notes de bibliographie Jaina et moyen-indienne,” Journal Asiatique (1972). The first