Kolhapur and its Jalna Associations
137 Ganadhara, Bhadrabahu the Śrutakevalin, Candragupta (Maurya), Kun. dakunda, Umäsvati, Samantabhadra, Pujyapada and Akalanka, was born Gollacarya, who was, before his renunciation, the ruler of Golladesa His disciple was Traikalya Yogi, and the latter's desciple was Padmanandi Saiddhaatika Kaumaradeva who was the preceptor of Prabhacandra, the famous author of logical works, and Kulabhuşana The latter'a disciple was Kulacandra deva whose disciple and successor was this Mandalacārya Magbanand Siddhanta Cakravartin, the founder of the Jalna tirtha (religious centre) at Kolhapur, as also of the Rapanarajn Basatı, also known as the Savanta-Basatı, of that place. He himself was the head of thla establiahment which he succeeded in developing into a great centre of Jaina Icarding and culture, no doubt under the generous patronage of the Silahara kings. This centre imparted education in various branches of learning, not only to ascetics and novices, but also to the sons of lalty including nobility and royalty * Maghanandi's junior co-disciple, Śrutakırtı Traiyidya, was the auther of Raghava-Pandariya and is said to have defeated in a philosophical debate the great logician Devendra, probably the śvetambara Scholar Devaaari, author of the Pramana-naya-tattvalokalamkara * The pontrfical 800cc ssor of Maghanandi was Gandavimukta Siddbantadeva and among his other disciples wore Kanakanandi, Candrakırt, Prabbacandra, Arhanandi and, Manikyanandi.? His royal disciples included, besides the Sllabara kings Bhoja I and Gandarāditya, the Ratta king Karttavirya of Sauadatti and his quoen Vachaladevi, princess Hariyabbarasl, daughter of Hoyasala Vişnuvardhana, general Bharata and the feudal lords like Kedaranakarsa, Nimbadova, Vama, deva and Gangavalliya Dagagayunda. Contemporary opłgraphical records aro full of eulogies for him, which often deacribe him as the 'Kolhapuriya Maghanandi,' probably to distinguish him from his other namesakes, and because Kolhapur owed so much to this guru
Kolbapur is also tho seat of a branch of the Sena Sangha, the generio title of the pontifs of which Is Lakşmlaena
Fotenotes. 1 Revised Gazetteer of the Kolhapur District (1960), pp 63, 868-870 2 Ibid, PP 894-895 3 Ibid
Altekar, A, S, The Sllaharas o Western India, (1936), p. 419 ff., Kolhapur Gazetteer,
op cit, p 60 5 Promi, N R., Jain Sahitya aur Ithasa, pp 112-113 6 Jain Sila-Lokha Sangraha, Pt I, No 40/64, Pt III, Nos 320, 334, 411
Devasuri u never mentioned as Devendra-Ed 7 Ibid, Pt I, No 40/64 8 Ibid, Pt. III, Nos, 308, 320, 334, 411, 524, Pt. II, No. 280, 293, 300 9 J. RS, (1901), P 537, Kolhapur Gazetteer, op. cit., p. 60, Jain silalekha Sangraha,
op, clt, Pt I, No 40/64 Sambodhi 5.2-3