Maruti Nandan Prasad Tiwari
as the features to be diacussed in the paper would greatly facilitate them in identifying correctly the figures of the Mahavidyas at different sites, Before discussing the iconographic features of the Mahavidyas, I deem it necessary to write something about the concerned iconographic texts itself which would acquaint the readers with their affiliation, date and author's Dame,
(A) ŚVETĀMBARA TEXTS (1) Caturvitšatika of Bappabhattı Suri - c. 743-838
(abbreviated elsewhere as Caturyım) (2) Caluronsatı Stotra of $obhana Muni-Latter half of tenth century (els
ewhere as Stotra) (3) Nirvanakalika of Pad alıpta Sūri-c. late tenth or early eleventh century
(clsewhero as Nirvana). (4) Mantradhli aj akal pa of Sagara Candra Suri-date controversial-probably
twelfth century (elsewhere as Mantra). (5) Acaradinakara of Vardhamana Surl—1412 (elsewhere as Acara)
(B) DIGAMBARA TEXTS : (1) Pratisthasarasangraha of Vasunandi-- twelfth century (elaewhore as
Sangraha) (21 Pratisthasuroddhara of Asadbara-c, thirteenth century (elsewhere Sarod
dhara) (3) Pratışthatilakam of Nemicandra--1543 (elsewhere as Tilakam). (4) Sarasvata-yantra-Puja of Subhacandra—date not known (elsewhere as
Now we shall look into the individual iconographic features of each of the Sixteen Mahavidyas separately We may note here that where the later works agree to the lajuaction of the earlier works, the prescriptions of the later works have not been referred to for avoiding duplications. The prescriptions of the later works, however, have been mentioned only in casos they supply us with some new informations as against the earlior ones.
W ROHINT :-(A) Svetambara.-(1) Caturvirh and Nirvana . 4-armed, Mounta_Cow; Holds-Arrow, Rogary, Bow, Conch
(B) Digambra: (i) Samgraha, Saroddhara & Tilakam -4-armed, Mt.Lotus, fruit (or Matulinga), (u) Yantra-puja,-Mt. Lotus; Bears-Spear, Lotus, Varada Fruit.
(2) PRAJÑAPTI . (4) Śdet.-(1) Caturvish;-Mt.-peacock; Holds-sakti, (il) Stotra, calls her as Saktikara, (ill) Nirouna : - 4-armed, Mt. Peacock,