About a Forgotten Grammarian Dhanapala
05 i-I, rj, din, takş, dhvan, macun, yabh-jabb, lad, vaj, varb-valh (denoting prādhānya), varh-valh (denoting paribbāşaņa etc), śam, śubh, | hudy-hudy-body, sah-suh, kün, vpjt, dr, kẹp, tang, pis, bhũ, vid, snis, and svad.
1.4. Another point of interest is that Dhanapala differs from Panini considerably. His difference from Pā. Dhātupatha is with regards to the meaning of the following roots:Gana-Imri, ghuşir, śubh, Gana-VIII-Vrji, Gana-IX-dr, Gana-X tapu, pat...etc, pad, pis, vid, vaj and svad. He notices the forms of the following roots different from those given by Pāṇini:
maci (macun), muta (pudi or pudu), barh-balh in the meaning of prādhanya (varh-valh), śıkļ (sıkr) şņiha (sniha)'.5
Panini does not read lis' alpibhave,' in tudadi class, while Dhanapāla thinks that it should be read there alongwith lis' gatau'.
Pāṇini reads 'şah' and 'şuh both in the meaning of cakyartha' (or sakyārtha'), but Dhanapala omits 'şah' and retains only şuh' in this sense He discards chodr' in the sense of 'gati' as read in Dhatupātha. He adda jabb' along with 'yabh' in the sense of smaithu a'...,
1.5. Dhanapala agrees with Maitreyarakṣita, the author of Dhātupradupa in the case of following roots :
Ghuşir, din, takş, dhvan, yam (bhvādi), laď, varb-valh, šam, cao sphut-ghat, and pat...etc.
1.6. Dhadapala agrees with Kşırasvāmi so far as the following roots are concerned ita-kita-kați, uțh, rj, ghușir, ds, dhavan, sam, şah-guh, pat etc. and șvad. 1.7, Dhanapāla and Ma. Dba. Vr. agree as rogards the following roots
Ita - kila - kați, din, dhyan, yam (bhvadi), lad, s'am, şah - şub and
sadlr. 1.8. Dhanapala agrees with Hemacandra in the case of following roots :
rj, macun, mut, yabh - jabh, lad, varh-valh (denoting 'prādbänya'), kün, cat - sphut - ghat, pat-etc. and pis. 1.9. Dhanapala agrees with Durga or Daurgas in the case of following
roots :
takş, yabh, jabb, śubh, prci, vrji and vaj. 1.10. From this comparison it is evident that Dhanapala has deeply studied
$. The forms given in the brackets indicate those noticed by Dhanapāla,