A. N. Upadhye
Bappa Bhatti is one of those few wuthors ahout wiium we get a good deal of information in different Prabundhus, inostly from Gujarāt and belonging to different periodis luter than 1200 AD In their present form, thev are all composed nearly five hundied years after Bappa Bhatti The most important of them may be listed here 1
[ There is the Bappa-Bhatti-sūri-carita in Sanskrit, interspersed with Prākrit quotations It is assigned to 13th-14th century AD)
[ui] The Prabhāvaka-carita of Prabhăcandra or Candraprabha was revised by Pradyumnasūri in AD. 1271 It contains a life-story of Bappa Bhattı among its biographies of twenty-two Jaina teachers, poets and authors
[111] The Prabandha-hosa of Rājasekhara (A D 1349) has a prabandka dealing with the career of Bappa Bhaiti. This gives more details and additional facts, and has much common, even in expressions, with the sources under Nos (1) and (ii) noted above The story about Bappa Bhatti is almost identical in these three
[1v] The Turthakalpa of Jinaprabha ( 1331 A D. also gives a few details about Bappa Bhatti
A Paper submitted to the 26th Session of the All India Oriental Con
ference, Präkrit and Jainism Section, Vikram University, Ujjain, 1971, 1 S. P PANDIT & NB UTAGIKAR Gaidanaho, Introduction
pp 125 ff, Poona 1927 2 For the detailed account and for its pros: digest in Sanskrit see
S. K. AIYANGAR • 'The Bappa Bhatti Carta and the Early History of the Gurjara Empire,' Journal of the BB of the RAS New Series, III Nos 1-2, pp 101 ff, and 313 ff., Bonibay 1928