A Phonological Sketch of Apabhramsa
1.2321 As for the stops, only the voiced retroflex stops show no limitation as to frequency of occurence as single versus geminate intervocally
All other stops aic highly limited in their occurence as single in intervocalıc position. The only clear cases of contrast in this position foi siogle versus geminates are found only for /bb/, /th/, ly and lgl (See above for examples) Even here the single occurrences are found only in one or two words in each case.
In other cases, a single stop is found to occur interyocally only following a morpheme-boundary, although within the same-word-structure. Thus, a form like
aipaura 'very noble' may be written as al-paura, where - marks the morpheme boundary.
However, even in this position there are several instances that establish a contrast between single versus geminate stop. e g. pari-pa lju 'protected'
pari-ppama na 'limit This contrast is also supported by the metric rules applicable in these cases, in that 'i' followed by single 'p' is treated as constituting a light syllable (one mora ), whereas l' followed by geminate 'pp' is treated as constituting a heavy syllable (two morae), and hence the orthographic representation -p- versus -pp- cannot be considered non-contrastive. Consider the following (a) Ijoana saa sahasa palippama nel (Kch 1,32 ) which is
[joyana saya sahasa parippama:ne] ‘limited by hundred thousand yojanas', (b) /paripa:liu puttu bhanantia.IN/ (Kch. 2, 6, 6)
which 18 phonetically, (paripa:lıu puttu bhanantıya i] ' she kept bim addressing
him as son',