WS Karunatllleke
1.232 All consonants other then t, kh, N, r, s and h occur us geminate intei vocally (after short vowel) contrasting with their non-geminate counterparts
An aspirate stop is geminated with the corresponding unaspirate
Examples for these contrasts are given below -r * -pp- , aipaura 'very noble' parippama na 'limit -13h + -pph-, pariphuria 'throbbing appba lia 'beat' -bh-• -bbh-, nabha 'sky gabbha 'womb' -t- -tt- , karatana “authorship’ nirutta 'certain -th-* -tth- , pothaa 'book' atthi 'is' -d- -dd- paridinta giving raudda -dh-+-ddh- , parıdharia 'bearing saniddha 'smooth -- +-t , pota 'belly' gbaratia 'grinding
stone' -th-+-těh- ; seçhi millionaire' atthama "eighth -d-+-dd- ; phudu
'clear udda.via 'flown' -dh-+-dah-, pad bama 'first vaddha 'old' -+-+-CC- , vicitta 'variegated' uccia 'high' --ch-=-cch-: parichandia 'abandoned accha be'
woman' -j-6-jj- , ajia “unvanqui- ajjia 'acquired'
shed' -jh-+-jjh- ; parijbijja 'emaciated' jujjha 'fight -K-+-kk- , nikea 'place' hikka 'hiccough -8-+-gg-, vag] 'crane vagga
'group' -gh-+-ggh-, parighulia 'shaking uggha.da 'opeo -n -mm-, kama 'stepping kamma 'action' -1-+-111- , tata 'one's own' kanna ear' -|- -|- ,salaha 'praise vallaha 'loved opel -- - - , hava becoming' savva 'all'