Dr. Subhash C. Jain: Transmigration, Evolution and Jain Karma Doctrine
Two-sensed subhuman being Three-sensed subhuman being Four-sensed subhuman being Five-sensed subhuman being Five-sensed-samanaska-subhuman
and infernal being
Human being
Celestial being
Infernal being
It the karmic load, K, at the age-bonding moment of a living being is greater than K, i.e. K >K, (or K,, <K) then its life-form in the next birth, according to the notations shown above, would be less developed than that of five-sensed-samanaska-subhuman (fsss, here after) beings; and if K is less than or equal to K, i.e. K≤ K,, then ist life-form in the next birth more would be developed than that of foursensed-subhuman beings. In other words, if K is K, K≤ KSA' then its next birth would be five-sensed-amanaska (fsas, here after) subhuman being.
The conceptual scheme of evolution of living beings to the various birth-species is based on several presuppositions which are described below:
PRESUPPOSITION 1. The number and potency of the vital powers of a living being increase in the next life with the decrease of its karmic load of the agebonding moment and vice versa.
Presupposition 1 is based on the rule of development described earlier and will be utilized in formulating the conceptual scheme of evolution. For example, as the vital powers are fewer in amanaskasubhuman being than human beings, a human being will be born in the next birth as an amanaska sub-human being only if his karmic load at the age-bonding moment is sufficiently large as explained later.
PRESUPPOSITION 2. The karmic load of amanaska-subhuman beings always decreases with time; hence, they always