inexhaustive as reality itself. The meaning that we fix of a particular word or a sentence depends upon the context and the intention of the speaker----and it is all meant for our practical purposes. Syntactically that a sentence may be construed as active or passive or otherwise -“ -is all due to multi-structural pattern of a sentence. The manifold grammatical categories are infinite as the expressions of human beings are. Directly or indirectly, the principle of anekānta is inherent in the manifold aspects of language.
Anekānta-jaya-patākā of Haribhadra Sūri-edited by H.R. Kapadia with his own commentary and Municandra Sūri's supercommentary, Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1947.
Apta-mīmamsā of Samantabhadra-edited by Uday Chand Jain with a commentary Tattva-dīpikā together with Introduction and translation in Hindi, Shri Ganesh Varņī Digambara Jain Sansthan. Nariya, Varanasi, 1975.
Chakravarti, A.- Pañcāstikāya-sära, edited by A. Chakravarti with Prakrit text, Sanskrit Chāyā, English commentary etc. along with the commentary of Amstacandra and various readings, Bhāratīya Jñānapīțha Publication, New Delhi, 1975.
Dhruva, A.D.- Syādvāda-mañjari of Mallişeņa with the Anyayoga-vyavacchedikā-dvātrimsikā of Hemacandra edited with Introduction, notes and appendices, Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Studies No. LXXXIII, 1933. (I have used the Introduction freely).
Jain. S.A.- Reality, an English translation of Shri Pūjyapāda's Sarvārthasiddhi, Vira Sāsana Sangha, Calcutta, 1960.
Kane, P.V.-Sāhitya-darpaņa of Viśvanātha (paricchedas I. II and X), three chapters edited with exhaustive notes together with the History of Sanskrit Poeties, [1st. edn 1910], third edition, 1951.
Lalwani, K.C.- Bhagavati-sūtra, Vols I-IV Prakrit text with English translation and notes based on the commentary of Abhayadeva Sūri, Jain Bhawan, Calcutta, 1973-1985.
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