IAINISM WAS known in caves essentially for the slay
of good work may be perOrissa oven before the ad- of the Jain monks.
formed in these days because vent of Sri Vardhaman Ma- Jain creed has had its im
they are known ts Kalyanaka havira, the last Jain Tirthane pact on life-style of the
days. If we look for the kar (Pathfinder) who was Oriyas. Vegetarianism is
prigin of these usages. we will Buddha's contemporary. The deep-seated in the rural areas,
have to go back to Jein clasfirst Jain Tirthankar or the Worship of the Bata trees
sics. According to the Jainism founder of the Jain Creed was (Ficus). Kalpa.-Bata Social
on The Second day of the full Rishava Deva pronounced as custom are drawn from Jai
moon in Ashedha the First Rushata Deva in Utkal. The nism. Parables and some
Tirthankar Raghava (Rish-1 large number of ancient im- of the folk tales of Orissa are
ava). was conceived. On this ages of Rushava Dera found apparently drawn from the
day each year Chuff ya Jatra in different parts of Orissa re- Jain perubles which are of
or Ratha-jatra is clebrated, mote from one another indi- linillers age. Ancient Oriya
Many believe that Lord Jagarcate that Rushava Deva was literature including the Maha
nath is the symbol of Rushava. very well known in, Orissa. in Orissa bharat of Sarla Das is deti
SQ on that day Jaganath's Rushava Devu is still installed nitely coloured by Jainisi.
Rotho-Jarra is obseryed. ACin some of the Jain temples of The story of Jat gaathe in the
cording to some Jain classics Orissa for centuries. Oriya Mahabharat of Sarla
Roshaya was conceived on the Jainism had a great hold on Das is definitely an ancient
fourth day of the full inoon in Orissa for centuries. Jain parable in another shape.
Ashoda. The conteplion period Jain an- Works like the tiquities have been found in
old Byurla.
was nine months and four Charit, Ramputha have defidistricts like. Maurbhunj,
Huys. So he was borh on the Keonjhar, Cuttack, Puri, Bala nitely a strong Jaina favour
eighth day of the moon in
Chaitre month. Oriya Bhagavat in some chap
That sore, and Koraput. The anti-
day quities are ancient images of lers repeat Jain ideology and
Rushava's birthday is obserthe Tirthankars, Jakshis, Jakcode of domestic life.
ed in Bhubaneswar as Retheshimis, Chaityds etc. There are
Jatra. Jain shrines with images of But Jainism in Orissa very
Like the Srana-Jatra the Jain Tirthankars old and mee briefly touched here has a
Sathing ceremony) of Lord dern in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack deeper impact on the religious
Jagarnath, the Jain deities also and Chauduar and
have their Abhiseka and Snana other he of the Oriyas. The two minor Orissan religious creeds
ceremonies. The places.
custon, of of Mahima Panth and
colouring the
Lord During the time of
Jagarnath's King Kharavela in the First or Se- 13 Arakhia Panth have beert
eyes and the Nabe Jaubang deeply affected by the Jain so
dress after his Sena remind cond Century A. D. Jainism faith that they could be des
one of the same with the Jin was the state religion. King
idols: cribed to be the offshoots of
There is nothing Ashoka's
spr: grandson Sampriti Jainism. In this article we
dal to colour in Jakarnath exwas .Jain and had given
the a shall discuss the affinities be
cept his eyes, great encouragement to the tween the Jagannath cult prea
The name Jaganath of Jaspread of Join cult. King 'valent in Eastern India as a
gannath itself is Jain in origin Kharavela and his descendants cult under Hinduism and Jai
The Jain lexicon Rajendra had the famous caves in the
1 Abhidha hills
Rajendra Vol 1v1 of
nism. The points of amunity Orissa. Khandare so many and so intimate
Page 1385 mentines thet the giri. Udaygiri and Nilgiri
name Jagatnath inade
15 that one may out
Apliet with
legitimately. a large be consider if Jagarnath cult is
name of Jineswar or Adriatik Bumber of Jain images sculp-. really not a by-product of
Rushay. The Batata - tured on the walls of the Jainism, which is the olde:
niyan in the Jagannath terncreed. "Jagarnath cult is not ere gome principal ceremonis, ple seems to be the symbol of as aid OS Vaishnavism or associated with the Jagarnath
Rustava Deva's tree. The Latd.-1935 Phone-35-2224 Shaivism and is essentially cult. The deities are taken
Neelz Chakra of Jakarnath confined within Orissa with but in a decorated chariot
the symbol of Rushava's some spilling over to Bengal pulled by people in the main
Dhana Chakra. Wherever in and Bihar. Puri is the land of road (Rdtha-Jatra.) The des India Lord Rushava is wort Jagarnath as the great Jagar- ties are bathed ceremoninue ties are bathed ceremoniously
shipped, the place is known as nath temple is located in Puri. (Shan Jatra. The body of There are some Jagarnath the deity is changed and a
Rajasthan so well known a leading scientide tonthly 'ot temples in different parts of fresh nage is substituted
the Jains, is known 45 Cha India Bihar (Jagarnathpur in Rancht (Naba-Kathar and Prun
Aukshetre Anandapur 10 Subscription : is well known, the Heavy Pratistha)
Keonjhar district where Ru. Annual Single Copy Complex Thachineries are 10 The Ratha Jarra is deady an shara was worshipped 30 Inland Rs. 24.00 Rs. 2.08 cated here, and
ruoi the Bengal (the idea taken from Jainism The Other Chakrukshetro 45 Shininga Foreign
6a Jugarnath Ratha Jetra of Ma- stracture of the Ratha ar at of Jakarnath 180 S 16.00 $ 1.00 hesh Village is famous). But chariot is like Jain Chaitya.
known as Chuks valia. The Lord Jagarnath is not a deity In Puri and Bhubaneswar
possibility of it being the The Secretary. as widely accepled in Hindi Ratha-Jutra is performed in
Pithasthana uf Rushavsdeve ut INDIAN SCIENCE NEWS India as Shiva. Parvati or the second day of the full
an earlier time is probable. Vishnu. The form of the moon in Ashadha monta Hindu religion is eclectic and ASSOCIATION
handless bust of the deity is (Julyi and eighth day of the issurmised that Ruslava
also peculiar. He is always full moon in Chaltra month Deva Fas adopted as Lord Acharya Prafulla Chandra worshipped along with Bala- (April). These two days are Rood, Calcutta bhadra and Subhadra. There considered saered. Any type
P. Rns Chaudhuri
Jain Education International
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