The Sthavirāvalicarita ie, the Lives of the Jaina Patriarchs, by Hemacandra is, as its other and more frequently used title Parısıştaparvan indicates, the Appendix or continuation of the same author's great work, the Trişaştıšalākāpuruşacarita It is divided into 13 cantos, containing about 3500 slokas
The Sthayırāvalicarita is a legendary history of the patriarchs from Jambu down to Vajrasena, ie, a series of historical legends about them, arranged in chronological order
Many have written works on the sixtythree falakāpuruşas down to the nirvana of Mahavira But only two authors have continued the history of the Jaina church beyond that point, viz , (1) Hemacandra in the Praisistaparvan and (2) Bhadresvara in the last part of the Kathāvali, a huge work in Prakrit prose Bhadresvara's work though earlier and going beyond the contents of Hemacandra's work has few literary merits, while Hemacandra's is written in fluent Sanskrit verse and elegant kāvya style