श्रीगुरुरुवाच ।
सम्यक् पृष्टं त्यया विद्वन्सावधानेन तच्छृणु । प्रामाणिकी न भवति भ्रान्त्या मोहितकल्पना ॥ १६४ ॥
The Teacher replied:
194. Thou hast rightly questioned, O learned one! Listen therefore attentively : The imagina tion which has been conjured up by delusion can never be accepted as a fact.
भ्रान्तिं विना त्वसङ्गस्य निष्क्रियस्य निराकृतेः ।
न घटेतार्थसम्बन्धो नभसो नीलतादिवत् ॥ १६५ ॥ www.ApniHindi.com
195. But for delusion there can be no connection of the Self-which is unattached, beyond activity and formless-with the objective world, as in the case of blueness,' etc., with reference to the sky.
[1Blueness &c.-The sky has no colour of its own, but we mentally associate blueness with it. The blueness is in our mind, and not in the sky. Similarly, limitation exists not in the Absolute Self, but in our own minds. ]
स्वस्य द्रष्टुर्निर्गुणस्याक्रियस्य प्रत्यग्बोधानन्दरूपस्य बुद्धेः । भ्रान्त्या प्राप्तो जीवभावो न सत्यो
मोहापाये नास्त्यवस्तुस्वभावात् ॥ १६६ ॥