[ 'Naturally perfect-Or the phrase 3: may mean “transcending Nature".
2 Modifications such as size, shape, etc. ]
शिष्य उवाच। भ्रमेणाप्यन्यथा वाऽस्तु जीवभावः परात्मनः । तदुपारनादित्वान्नानादेर्नाश इष्यते ॥ १२॥
The disciple questioned:
192. Be it through delusion or otherwise that the Supreme Self has come to consider Itself as the Jiva,' this superimposition is without beginning, and that which has no beginning cannot be supposed to have an end either.
[1Jiva-individual soul, or the Self under self-imposed limitations. ]
अतोऽस्य जीवभावोऽपि नित्या भवति संसृतिः। न निवर्तेत तन्मोक्षः कथं मे श्रीगुरो वद ॥ १९३॥
193. Therefore the Jivahood' of the soul also must have no end, and its transmigration continue for ever. How then can there be liberation for the soul? Kindly enlighten me on this point, O revered Teacher.
[ 1 Jivahood—the self-hypnotised state of the everfree Atman. ]