A reminiscence of the second Sloka of Amritabindu Upa.]
च्छुद्धत्वमासाद्य मनो विमुक्तये। भवत्यतो बुद्धिमतो मुमुक्षो
स्ताभ्यां द्वढाभ्यां भवितव्यमप्रे॥१७५॥ 175. Attaining purity through a preponderance of discrimination and renunciation, the mind makes for Liberation. Hence the wise seeker after Liberation must first strengthen these two.
[Discrimination-between Self and non-Self. 2 Renunciation of the non-Self.] मनो नाम महाव्याघ्रो विषयारण्यभूमिषु । चरत्यत्र न गच्छन्तु साधवो ये मुमुक्षवः ॥ १७६ ॥
176. In the forest-tract of sense-pleasures there prowls a huge tiger called the mind. Let good people who have a longing for Liberation never go there. मनः प्रसूते विषयानशेषान्
स्थूलात्मना सूक्ष्मतया च भोक्तः । शरीरवर्णाश्रमजातिभेदान्
गुणक्रियाहेतुफलानि नित्यम् ॥ १७७ ॥