169 विमुक्तमात्मानमखण्डरूपं
पूर्ण महाकाशमिवावलोकयेत् ॥ ३८४ ॥ 384. One should behold the Atman, the Indivisible and Infinite, free from all limiting adjuncts such as the body, organs, Pranas, Manas and egoism, etc., which are creations of one's own ignorance,-like the infinite sky.1
[Infinite sky-Which is one and indivisible, despite the jars and other things that apparently enclose it. See the next Sloka. ] घटकलशकुसूलसूचिमुख्यै
गंगनमुपाधिशतैर्विमुक्तमेकम् ।. com भवति न विविधं तथैव शुद्धं
परमहमादिविमुक्तमेकमेव ॥ ३८५ ॥ 385. The sky, divested of the hundreds of limiting adjuncts such as a jar, a pitcher, a receptacle for grains, a needle, and so forth, is one, and not diverse; exactly in a similar way the pure Brahman, when divested of egoism, etc., is verily One..
ब्रह्मादिस्तम्षपर्यन्ता मृषामात्रा उपाधयः ।
ततः पूर्ण स्वमात्मानं पश्येदेकात्मना स्थितम् ॥ ३८६ ॥ 386. The limiting adjuncts from Brahmâ down to a clump of grass are all simply unreal.