“Thou art That" (Tat-Tvam-Asi), repeatedly establishes the absolute identity of Brahman (or Isvara ) and Jiva, denoted by the terms That (Tat) and Thou (Tvam) respectively, divesting these terms of their relative associations,--then it is the identity of their implied, not literal, meanings which is sought to be inculcated, for they are of contradictory attributes to each other-like the sun and a glow-worm, the king and a servant, the ocean and a well, or Mount Meru and an atom.
If thus &c.—The reference is to the sixth chapter of the Chhandogya Upanishad, where Uddalaka Aruni tries to impress on his son, Svetaketu, the identity of Jiva and Brahman in various ways. ]
न वास्तवः कश्चिदुपाधिरेषः। ईशस्य माया महदादिकारणं
जीवस्य कार्य शृणु पञ्चकोशम् ॥ २४३ ॥ 243. This contradiction between them is created by superimposition, and is not something real. This superimposition, in the case of Isvara (the Lord), is Mâyâ or Nescience, which is the cause of Mahat' and the rest”, -and in the case of the Jiva (the individual soul), listen,—the five sheaths, which are the effects of Mâyâ, stand for it.