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A human being in the Kshapaka category has nine parts, and the destruction of 16, 8, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, and 1 natures in order results in the destruction of 36 natures. Therefore, the tenth Gunasthan has a state of 102. At the end of the tenth, the destruction of subtle greed also occurs, leaving a state of 101 in the twelfth Gunasthan. In the twelfth Gunasthan, the destruction of 16 sattva occurs, resulting in a state of 85 in the thirteenth Gunasthan. No nature is destroyed in the thirteenth Gunasthan, so the fourteenth Gunasthan also has a state of 85. Subsequently, in the penultimate time, 73 natures are destroyed, and in the final time, 12 natures are destroyed, causing the soul to become completely free from karma. If a person in the Upshama category is a Kshayika Samyagdarshi and has already bound a new lifespan, then their state will remain at 138 + 1 = 139 until the Upshant Moh Gunasthan. If they are Abaddhayushk, then their state will be 138. If they are a Dvitiyopshama Samyagdarshi, then the disassociation of the infinite Anubandhi Chatushk results in a state of 14.
1. See - Go.K. page 357, edited by V.P. Ratanchand Mukhtar.