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## The Chapter of the Sevenfold
There is only one type of destruction (of karma). This is because there are no alternatives for the natures that bind. Similarly, due to the lack of alternatives for the binding natures, there is only one type of destruction in the four, three, two, and one-natured binding places - **ekkekkam-o par-am bhang-a**.
Thus, the total number of destructions of the ten binding places of mohaniya karma is 6+4+2+2+2+1+1+1+1+1 = 21.
After explaining the ten binding places of mohaniya karma, the next three verses describe the arising places (udayasthan) that are attained in each of these binding places.
**Arising Places in the Binding Places of Mohaniya Karma**
**Bas bavi-se nav ikkayo-s sattai upay-a-thanai. Chaai nav sattare-se tere panchai atthav.**
**Vattari-ma nav-bandhage-su unko-s satt uday-amsa. Panch-vi-bandhage pun ubo-o donh-am muney-abhyo.**
**It-to ubandhai is-ke-sh-kuvaya havati savye vi. Bandho-varame vi taha uday-a-bha-ve vi ya hoj-ja.**
**Word Meanings:**
* **Sad-as** - up to seven
* **Vagh-ole** - in the twenty-two natural binding places
* **Tav** - up to nine
* **Ikkavi-s** - in the twenty-one natural binding places
* **Sasai** - from seven
* **Uday-a-thanai** - arising places
* **Chaai nav** - from six to nine
* **Sat-tare-se** - in the seventeen natural binding places
* **Tere** - in the thirteen natural binding places
* **Panchai** - from five
* **Atthav** - up to eight
**Dhat-tari-ma-ah** - from four to nine natural binding places, **uf-ko-s** - excellent, **satt** - up to seven, **uday-amsa** - arising places, **panch-ni-bandh** - in the five natural binding places, **pun** - also, **udo** - arising, **boh-am** - of two natures, **pun-e** - should be known.