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According to the first Karmagrantha Upadesha, the Ganadharas themselves perform the Angapravishtashruta, meaning they describe and expound the nature and essence of the Tirthankara's teachings. The Angapravishtashruta is the sutra form in which these teachings are woven by the Ganadharas. The twelve Angas, including Acharanga, are Angapravishtashruta.
(14) Angabahyashruta - The scriptures composed by the Sthaviras, based on the Angas, are Angabahyashruta; for example, the Dashavaikalik, Uttaradhyayanasutra, etc. There are two types of Angabahyashruta: (1) Aavashyak and (2) Aavashyakvyatirikt. The scriptures that describe the subjugation of the soul through virtues are called 'Aavashyak Shruta'. There are six studies in this category: Samayik, Jinastava, Vandana, Pratikramana, Kayotsarga, and Pratyakhyana. There are many types of Aavashyakvyatirikt Shruta, for detailed explanation and information about their names, refer to the Nandisootra.
Sapyavasi and Sant (with end) both have the same meaning. Similarly, Apyavasi and Anant are synonymous. Sadi Shruta, Anadi Shruta, Sapyavasi Shruta, and Apyavasi Shruta, these four have four types each with respect to dravya, kshetra, kala, and bhava. They are as follows:
With respect to a single being, the Shruta knowledge is Sadi - with beginning and Sapyavasi - without end. This means that when a being attains Samyaktva, Shruta knowledge also arises simultaneously. Thus, Shruta knowledge is Sadi, and when the being abandons Samyaktva or becomes a Kevalgyani, Shruta knowledge ends. Thus, with respect to a single being, 1.
(For a detailed explanation of the term 'Aavashyak', refer to the Anuyogadwarsutra, Chapter - )