commenced in 1862 and finished for Sportsman, and the whole country Military Occupation in 1804. Now suffers. The Jains are rich, and can in all these official proceedings there enclose their own ground, which 16 is no allusion wbatever to the Jains near two miles away from the barexcept the following:
racks: the barracks were built on Parisnath bas lately been the scene ground rcclaimed from jungle and of some litigation with respect to the
rescucd from the tiger. The Sanita
rium is on the western spur of the claims on one side of the Rajah of
hill, while the Jain Buildings are on Palgunj and on the other of & Jain
the eastern; the pilgrims are not Merchant of Murshidabad to the offer -
therefore interfered with. ings of the Pilgrims.
~ The Jain system professed by But a question more interesting to these pilgrims is an off-shoot of Budthe vublic is the claim set forward by dhism : it is free from the polytheism the Jains to the whole ” of the Hill
and obscenities of Hinduism and its in the ground of a sunnud given by
variety of castes. It has sects, howthe Emperor Akbar granting them the ever; the leading ones are the Sitammountain :-"Let no one kill an ani- bar and the Digambar : the latter mal below, or about the mountains profess to wear no clothes, having
ces of worship and pilgrim the atmosphere as their vesture, or age." This Sunnud states they are "clothed in light.":" also to bave all of the mountains Gir- The land was of course taken up nar and Abu in Guzerat, and con.
from the Rani of Paulgunge as she is
from the Danin cludes with. "May this firman shins
retfered to in one of the reports. "The like the sun and moon amongst the
barracks were occupied by troops op to followers of the Jain Sitambar religion 1863 and the health of the men was as long as the sun may shine in the
most favourably reported on by all the day with his resplendent rays, and the
medical men doing duty with them. inoon make the night delightful by
But in 1868 Parisnath was givin up the light."
as a "jilitary Sanitariun" as it was, “Unmoved by this Howery langu
considered too expensive and two isoage, the Government has rejected
lated for the inen who considered it a their petition on the ground of the
sort of penal settlement; there being sunnud not being genuine as well as
no recreation ground and the men that the protection of the life of
being too few, Darjiling was found to "animals" is not to be carried to an
be a better and more economical locaextent which will endanger the safety
ng the tion for thçın The buildings on the of human beings, as by granting the petition l'areshnath would become, like Hill were now transferred to P. W Gaur, a fastness for the tiger and Department, and various applications' leopard. · Exclude the Shikari and were made Governmeut for leasing
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat