A direct infriugement of the religious Covernor to express our cordial apprerights of Jains. I hope this view of ciation of the toue and temper of his the matter will find favour with the
reply in which he was at some pains to
indicate his solicitude for the religious authorities and compel them to pause
scruples of the Jaing. Being himself before they sanction tde desecration
a deeply religious man, His Honor was of a consecrated spot by the intru
perfectly ready to show his respect sion of worldly associations. The to the religious feelings and sentiwhole question should be approached
ments that characterise a large and with
influential community. There is a & statesman-like apprecation
ring of sincerity in his utterances which of ideas, prejudice and tradition in
has created a favourable impression dependently of the possibility of the
among the Jains who take this op Hill being exploited as another fa.
portunity to express their forvent hope shionable health-resort.
that if all the facts connected with D. L. AGARWALLA. their rights in the Pareshnath Hills
are laid before the Lieutenant. Gover
uor who, we may hope and trust, still {TO THE EDITOR OF THE )
keeps and open mind and has not " Indian Mirror."
definitely commited himself to any SIR. The reply given by His Honor view of the matter one way or the other, the Lientenant-Covernor of Bengal to His honor may yot be pleased to earn the Jain deputation that met him on the the gratitude of the Jains by a just dePreshnath Hills in regard to the ad- cision, warranted by the gravity of the judication of their rights enjoyed from vital issues involved. The courtesy time immemorial in that place has and candour with which the Lieutecome as & painfulsurprise to all nant-Governor took the representative sections of the Jain community. They Jains into his confidence who came are glad, however, that fortunately His from various parts of the conntry across Honor has not yet passed final orders thousands of miles to help him in are upon the question that has considera- giving at a proper decision that may bly exercised the minds of the Jains be acceptable to the Jains, lead them for the trend of the reply. has created to hope that their cherished susceptiA widespread apprehension among bilities will not be violated for the lack them that unless His Honor's present of a statesman like insight into their views are considerably nodified, the real depth and significance. It remains ultimate verdict, which is likely to be to be seen what compromise the Ligu. given on this much vexed question, tenant-Governor decides as eminently will he most unfavorable to them. At suited to the raquirements of the the outset we owe it to the Lieutenant gitnation that has arisen. But we yay
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat